Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Celebrating (Part 1)

I slowly opened my eyes and seen my dad standing over me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on sweetheart. You're going to the studio with us today." I nodded and got out of bed grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom. I locked the door and turned on the water to fill up the bath. I checked my pockets and came across the razor I always kept on me. I set it on the side of he tub. I stripped off my clothes and sat down in the warm water and turned off the faucet. I sat there looking at my scarred up legs...I wanted to do it again so bad because I again lost someone close to me. A voice inside my head was telling me to do it. People I keep getting close to are going to keep dying off. So just fucking do it. I took the razor in my hand and breathed in the air. I could smell dad in the kitchen cooking so I was safe. I placed the cold sharp steel to my bare legs and cut once. The blood trickled down into the water turning it a different color. The pain felt good but I didn't want to stay in here too long and have suspicions floating around. I quickly finished my bath and stepped out letting the blood mixed water spill down the drain. I dressed in my black and green plaid skinny jeans and a black Harley-Davidson tank top. Once the water was fully out of the tub I cleaned the remaning blood out of it before unlocking the door and walking back into my bedroom. I attached the chains to my pants and grabbed my phone as I walked out the door.

I went down the stairs and sat down in the kitchen as Brian finished cooking breakfast. He set a plate down in front of me and we began to eat. When we finished I cleaned the dishes while he went upstairs to get ready. I finished the dishes and I hopped up on the countertop and remembering what I did just moments ago. I heard Brian coming back down the stairs. I jumped down and walked into the Foyer and stood at the door waiting for him. He looked at himself in the mirror one last time and I couldnt help btu roll my eyes. We piled into the car and he drove us to the studio. When we got there, all the guys were already there and it was surprising. We got out of the car and made our way into the building where I was hugged to death by everyone.

I sat there and watched them play but I just really wasnt listening. Mostly my thoughts were running wild with what I did this morning and how I am going to keep doing it until I die for good. The voice inside my head is right. Everyone I get close to dies and I just cant keep myself from getting closer to anyone. I'll put on my best fake smile and fake ass attitude and no one will ever expect a thing.
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