Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

I'm Fine Stopping Treating Me Like I'm A Little Kid

Jimmy talked me into going back to the house with Brian. I didnt want to be left alone with him just to be yelled at again. I want to keep my distance from them all. I dont want any of them dying on me..not like Jason did. I was sitting on the couch while Brian was in the kitchen fixing dinner and I smelled the air and couldnt help but smile. He was fixing something with Chicken and he knew I loved chicken. He called me into the kitchen and I got up turning off the TV. I sat down at the table right in front of him and started eating my food.

"Rage?" I looked up to see Brian's apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I knew I shouldnt have done that."

"It's alright. I dont need any professional help Brian...." I said timidly.

"I wont make you go but all I want to know is why?"

"Brian...Dad...I was thinking about Jason and it was like this little voice in my head was saying that if I didnt create some kind of distance from all of you that you all would end up dead. I cant lose you guys....It seems like everyone I get close to just dies and I couldnt handle Jason's death. I needed something to take the pain away." I explained. Brian got up from his seat and came over to me. He picked me up and sat down in the chair placing me on his lap.

"Dont worry sweetheart...I'm not going anywhere and neither are the guys." I smiled and cuddled into his chest. I couldnt help but let a tear slide out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Brian looked at me and wiped away the tear and kissed my cheek. I laid my head back on his chest and he rocked me back and forth like a baby. The rocking made my eyes heavy until I went to sleep.

~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~

I looked at Rage and she was sound asleep in my arms. I stood to my feet and took her upstairs to her bedroom setting her down and pulling the covers over her. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I seen it was a text from Zacky.

~How is she Brian?~ Zacky.

~She's asleep. I apologized for yelling at her and she said she was sorry for all she down. She was afraid that if she didnt do it again that we would leave her.~

~I sure as hell aint going no where!~ Zacky and that made me smile.

~I told her that and she smiled. I know she knows that she dont need to do that. What are the girls doing tomorrow?~

~I think they are going somewhere. You want me to see if they'll take Rage with them?~ Zacky.

~You read my mind.~

~I will. I'll let you know in the morning. Now get some sleep alright.~ Zacky.

~Okay. Night Zacky.~ We said out goodbyes and I went into my room and took a quick shower. I dressed in some sleep pants and no shirt and crawled into bed puling the covers up and over me before falling asleep.


I woke up to bright ligts coming through the window. Storming again. I heard the loud crash of thunder and then Rage's feet hurrying to my room. I ushered her over as she entered my room. Another crash of thunder sounded and she jumped into my bed, digging her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her back to sleep. Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep again in my arms. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep once again.

Morning came and she was still sleeping soundly right beside me. I heard my phone vibrate and I knew it was Zacky.

~Gena and the girls are happy to Rage come along with them. They said they will be there in about an hour.~

~Thanks Zacky~ I closed my phone and proceeded in waking her up.

"Rage? Rage honey? Wake up." I said pushing on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and smiled at me and I smiled right back.

"Gena and the girls want to take you out today. They'll be here soon." I said and she nodded and walked out of my room. I got up and dressed into my clothes and fixed my hair before walking downstairs and gathering up my things to go to the studio to work on my solos and record them as well.

~~~~~~RAGE'S POV~~~~~

I grabbed me some clothes and headed into the bathroom. I unloaded my pockets and seen the razor in my hand. I started getting angry and I threw it hard down into the trash. I made sure the shower was warm to my liking before getting in. The water washed away all the stress this time and I felt so damn good and refreshed. I finished my shower and stepped out and dried off. I changed into my black and red plaid skinny jeans and attached the chains to them before putting on my self made 'Synyster Gates is my dad and The Rev is my cracker' shirt. I made my way downstairs and waited for Gena and the girls to pull up outside.

The girls finally got there and I went outside. I was about to get in the car when Brian stopped me. He handed me his card and told me to have fun. I hugged him and got into the car with the girls. We walked in the mall for a little while and I brought some more things for my room and for myself as well. I returned home just before Brian got home and I unpacked all the shit I bought and gave him back his card. We sat down on the couch watching TV when there was a knock at the door. Brian got up and my uncle Ivan walked through the door and over to me.

"I thought you stopped all that stupid shit Rage?!" he yelled at me. I knew what he was talking about but I didnt want him to yell at me for something I just quit doing. Does he really want me to start back up again or what?

"I have stopped so dont get in my fucking face Ivan! It's not like you didnt do it!!"

"That's not the point though. I quit when I just about ended my whole life. You start up again because you think people are going to leave you and that inst true!" he yelled again. I was fed up with this shit.

"I"m fine goddamnit now quit treating me like I'm a little kid!" I yelled right back and getting up in his face before I left the room and out the front door. I sat down on the porch steps with my head in my hands. I'm tired of everyone treating my fucking ass like a little kid. Would they be happier if I left one night and never returned? Maybe I should but I just couldnt do that to Brian and the guys and especially not the girls.
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This might be my last chapter until after the holiday. I dont really know right now. If you have any questions feel free to message me here at