Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Waking Up

I woke up the next morning in my own room. I guess I slepted the whole ride back to Brian's and him carrying me up the stairs and laying me down. I did have fun last night, I mean except with the whole ordeal with Michelle. I drug myself out of bed and rubbed my eyes and stretched. I walked out my room and went downstairs and smelled food. I walked into the kitchen and Brian was cooking. I sat down at the bar without him noticing. He turned around and I guess I startled him because he jumped. I laughed and he smiled.

"Aw did I scare you?" I said jokingly.

"Hell yeah. Hope you are hungry and the guys are coming over this morning and then I'll drop you off at Matt's okay."

"I can stay by myself you know. I have for a long time." I said changing my tone to serious.

"I know but I think the girls might want you take you somewhere. Maybe get somethings for your room."

"Alright. I think I'll take a shower before everything gets ready." I said walking out of the kitchen before he could respond. I went upstairs to my room and grabbed me some clothes before walking into the bathroom. I made sure the water was hott as I stripped and stepped in. I let the water flow over my back and the healed and scared cuts that are on my arms and legs. The cuts reminded me of the pleasure I got as the stress melted away. The thoughts of the days I tried to commit suicide but was never successful came rushing over me like the water did. I wanted so bad to take the razor I always carried out of my pants pocket and do it. The urge was so strong that I just couldnt fight it.

I leaned out of the shower and grabbed my pants and pulled out the razor. I sat down in the bathtub and placed the cold razor to the skin on legs. I began to cut and pleasure ran across my body. The water started to get cold and I heard the guys bust through the door downstairs. I got out and made sure the cuts had stopped bleeding and I dressed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and headed downstairs. I got to the last step and Jimmy scooped me up into his arms.

"I missed my best friend!" he said squeezing me.

"It's only been since yesterday."

"I know but I still missed you." he said setting me back down. He grabbed my hand and he looked down at my wrist.

"What's this?" I quickly pulled my hand away.

"It's nothing Jimmy." I said and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the bar and began to eat my food. When I was done I cleaned the dishes for Brian and he thanked me. We went out the door minutes later and straight over to Matt's. Brian pulled into the driveway and Matt was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette. I got out and walked up the Matt. He smiled and walked to the car and got in as I went inside. I heard people in the kitchen so that's where I headed. I stepped into the doorway and they all looked over.

"Hey Rage!" Leanna said excitedly. No wonder she was with Jimmy. They were exactly alike.

"Hey. So where did the guys go? They didnt tell me?"

"Oh hunny dont worry. They went to the studio. They do everyday." Val said smiling. I think they're big smilers or some shit.

"Oh okay. So what's the plans for today?" I asked.

"Shopping. Did Brian give you his card?"

"No." I said.

"He must have forgotten. We'll stop by on our way to the mall." We sat there for a few more minutes before heading out the door and towards the studio. Val told Gena to send Zacky a text telling him we were stopping by to get Brian's card. In no time we were there. Val parked the big SUV in the space and cut the engine before she got out and went inside. In minutes she came out and so did Brian. Brian opened my door and handed me the card.

"Please dont lose it."

"I wont." I said.

He hugged me and shut the door and Val drove us to the mall. She cut the engine once she parked and we all got out and went into the mall. Gena and I loved Hot Topic so we went in there while the others went their separate ways. I picked out a lot of things and paid for them. I waited for Gena to get done and we went into a few more shops before meeting back up with the others. We sat down at a little table resting our feet.

"So what did you and Gena get?" Lacey asked.

"Well, I got me some more TRIPP Pants and T-shirts. The we went into this bed store place and I bought some stuff for my room. Gena got some really awesome shirts and pants too."

"Sweet!" Val said.

"I really need to get my hair done again. I did it the first time."

"Rage you should let Gena do it. I mean she has all different kinds of colors." Leanna said smiling.

"Sounds great but what do you think Brian will say?"

"What do you mean?" Val asked.

"What if he doesnt like it or gets mad at me."

"I'll have a talk with him if he does." Val said reassuringly.

"Good idea. I mean Val can talk anyone into calming down about something or liking something."

"Cool. Hopefully your charm will work on him." I said laughing slightly. We sat there talking and I took out my phone and seen a text from Brian.

~You having fun with the girls?~

~Of course I am.~

~That's good. We should be home in an hour. Do you think you can stay at the house for that long?~ Brian.

~Yeah. Dont worry.~

~Okay just tell the girls to drop you off at the house. I'll be there in a few~ Brian.

~See you later.~

We said our goodbyes and I slipped my phone back into my pocket. We headed out to the car and I told the girls to drop me off at Brian's because he would be home in a hour. Val nodded and drove towards Brian's. We finally got there and I got out with my stuff and headed into the house. I unlocked the door and stepped in and went straight to my room. I started putting my things together in my room and I decided to explore the house. I looked through the house and he had a lot of spare rooms. I was guessing they were for when the guys came over or something like that. I walked throught the house and cam across a door with a sign that said, 'DEN OF SYN,' in big letters. I turned the knob adn the door opened. The romo was filled with Brian's guitars and I sat down on the black couch. It was comfortable. I picked up a guitar and played Afterlife. When I finished the song I put the guitar back and laid down on the comfy couch and instatly fell asleep.

~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~~

We finished at the studio and I had just dropped everyone off and was making my way back home. The recording went well and I was thinking about Rage. I bet she really did have a ball with the girls. I just hoped they didnt talk her into doing anything crazy in the near future. I pulled into the driveway and cut the engine before locking it as I walked into the house.

"Rage!" I yelled but no responce. I walked up the stairs and seen the door to my music room cracked. I opened the door fully and there she was asleep. Who would blame her for going to sleep after spending all day with the girls. I gently picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her down. I pulled her shoes and put the covers up to her neck keeping her warm. I closed her door and went into my room and took a quick shower before hopping into bed. The minute I laid down on my King sized bed I fell asleep.
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