Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Why? I Dont Understand

I woke up to the sound of the guys going crazy downstairs. I shook my head and climbed out of bed and walked downstairs. The guys were in the living room playing something and I just walked right passed them and into the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and poured me a glass of apple juice and sat down at the bar. As I sat there I couldnt help but think about my now dead parents and all the foster homes I've been too and how they treated me. There was only one that I really smiled at because they actually paid attention to me and helped me with everything. The Giga family were a christian family who brought me to church with them and I really didnt enjoy it as much as they thought but like I said I could fake anything and they would believe I was having fun or whatever.

The happiness faded away when the families that treated me like shit and did nothing to acknowledge me. All the times they put me down and gave more attention to their own children drove me insane. I couldnt help but think that maybe if I wasnt here anymore, my parents would have still been alive and none of this shit would have happened. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it knocked me out of my thoughts as well as scare the shit out of me. I looked up to see Matt.

"Sorry I didnt mean to scare you."

"Oh that's fine." I said smiling.

"Good." He sat down beside me.

"How you feeling?"

"Why is everyone asking me that?" I said sternly.

"Because we care about you. Rage....Rage I can tell your masking your pain and so did Dr. Canon. What's wrong? I mean you can tell me anything."

"It's not that I dont want to tell you what's's that I cant tell you." I said looking down at my glass.

"Why? Rage, honey we wont judge you because of the past. The past is the past and nothing you say will change me from being your Uncle Matty." I smiled and he did the same.

"I know you're trying to help me but I'm just not ready right now to tell the things that went on in my past. I'll tell you guys soon." I said getting up and putting my glass in the sink.

"Alright. I know Brian was going to ask you this but would you like to go to the studio with us today?"

"Yeah sure." I said smiling.


"So's the tour coming along?" I asked hanging my head.

"Pretty good. If everything is on schedule we should be leaving on the tour the 13 of May."

"Oh..."I said sadly.

"Is something wrong?"

"No nothing. Just something I need to think about. When you guys going to the studio?" I asked changing the subject.

"In 30 minutes."

"Good. I have enough time to shower." I said and I hugged Matt before going back upstairs. I opened my bedroom door and locked it behind me for grabbing me some clothes and going into the bathroom. I also locked that door too and made sure the water was hot before stepping in. I cant believe the guys wil be going on tour on my birthday. They seem like they dont even care or anything. Figures as much though. I mean the people who I used to be with never gave me a birthday party or anything because of the fact their child, who was a major slut, was better than anyone else and got whatever she wanted.

The water calmed my nerves as I washed my hair. It was actually relaxing me for the first time in a long time. I finished up with my shower and dressed in my black TRIPP skinny jeans and a Slipknot Tee. I put my boots on and grabbed my phone before walking back downstairs. The guys were still sitting there playing so I went over to Johnny and sat down on his lap.

"Hey kiddo. How you doin'?"

"Good I reckon short shit." I said smiling and he hung his head. I pulled his chin up for him to look at me and I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. We all sat there for a little while longer before leaving Brian's and going over to the studio. Matt parked his SUV and we all piled out. Brian showed me where to sit and I did. Matt's voice was outstanding today, I mean even though he didnt think so. Brian kept messing up his guitar solo and saying random shit when he did. I couldnt help but laugh. The rest of the day was cool and Jimmy was picking on Johnny like he always does. I like Johnny. He's cool. At the end of the day we heade back over to Brian's for Take out food again. I sat there on the couch with Brian and Zacky while the other went to get the food. We were watching TV when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I said getting up. I walked over to the door and there stood the man that came by just yesterday.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi. Come on in. Brian's in the living room. would you like anything to drink?"

"Beer." he said smiling. I went into the kitchen and grabbed him a beer and handed it to him. He followed me into the living room and Brian looked up.

"Jason, hey man!"

"How you doing?" he said smiling and doing that stupid bro hug shit.

"Pretty damn good. I needed to talk to you about something. Can we step outside?" he said and Brian nodded. He got up and followed this Jason guy outside onto the patio. I sat down next to Zacky.

"Who is that guy? I mean he looks so familiar." I asked.

"That's Jason Hook. He's plays in Five Finger Death Punch."

"No wonder he looks familiar. My uncle Ivan talked about him when I was little." I said.

"Your Uncle Ivan? You mean Ivan Moody?"

"Yeah Zacky. Why do you seem surprised?" I asked confused.

"I didnt know you had a real uncle."

"I have 2 actually. Ivan of course and David Draiman." I said smiling. His eyes went wide.

"That's awesome."

"Yeah but you're my awesome uncle Zacky." I said smiling and leaning into his shoulder. I began to wonder what they were talking about outside.

~~~~~~~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~~~~~

We walked out onto the patio and sat down at the little glass table.

"What did you want to speak to me about?" I asked leaning on the table with my arms.

"As you probably now Ivan is Rage's Uncle. Ivan wants to give her the chance of a lifetime but he also needs to talk to her."

"About what?" I asked.

"Her family. You see...her parents that she was with wasnt her real parents."

"What?" I said confused.

"Her dad that drank and he mom that did drugs werent her real parents. Her real parents died in a car accident when she was just born. The Devistation family were her mom's cousin."

"Wow...Rage has been through alot in a short amount of time. How will she react to this?" I said looking down.

"I propose we have everyone together next week and tell her. I'll get Ivan and the rest of his band over and I'll talk to David about bringing his band over. You guys should be there too. She needs support."

"Alright." I said. I didnt know whether I should smile or not. I looked into the house and seen her propped against Zacky watching TV. I love that girl like she is my own and I would do anyting to protect her but she needs to know the truth. We set a date for next week and he left. Rage was asleep on the couch beside Zacky when I walked in. I hope she doesnt blow up and do something she'll regret.
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please comment.

Sorry about not writting in a while. I've bee busy with the holidays and having some blood pressure problems. Thanks for being so patient with me.