‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Thomas Marco Sanders enters the stage

Thomas Marco Sanders was strange as his foster siblings said, but nonetheless he was sweet and charming

Black hair that went over one eye to give him the 'emo' look, bright hazel eyes that are always shining and a cute dimpled smile to swoon the ladies

He was a good height, about 5'7. Not too short and not to tall

He was smart, and even though he didn't participate in any sports he had lean compact muscles and a six-pack to boot

He had girl and boys throwing themselves at him, but he was never attracted to any one of them. He was gay and girls never seemed to grasp that

But he did have three best friends, Connor, Scar and Aya

He loved hanging out with all three of them, cuz all had very different personalities

Connor was as tall as him, had honey-blond hair and hazel-green eyes that always glowed with excitement. He loved his girlfriend Aya and the two have been friends since they were toddlers

Aya was short, but was slim like a little ballerina. Her hair was cut short in a boyish cut, kind of like a K-Pop singer. Her eyes were charcoal black, always rimmed with liner and her healthily tan skin made her look like an Egyptian princess

Scar, short for Scarlett, was the cool-headed one of the group. She was brilliant in making strategies and loved Aya and Connor like siblings

Thomas ran out of his home and into the street where he was met by the smiling faces of his friends

"Hi!" Aya sang, her hands locked with Connor's

"Hey, who has a Spanish test today?" He asked and Aya's hand shot up

"Good luck, I heard Ms Rodriguez made it extra hard" He warned as Aya laughed and said she studied

As they walked to school, Thomas gazed at the two manors at the top of the hill. Both were damaged, but the 15th century Gothic manor looked worse

"Hey guys, what are those two manors up there?" He asked as all three stiffened

A pained look crossed Aya's face as Connor pulled hercloser comfortingly as Scar gripped the strap of her backpack harder

"Uh... Ms Murray said she's gonna talk about those manors today in English" Scar said awkwardly

All three kept silent about it until their first period which was English

"Alright class. Today we are going to talk about a bit of history that happened only happened 17 years ago

Huntington Beach and most parts of California was ruled by two gangs, the Killjoys and Avenged Sevenfold

They were held account on many illegal activities and countless murders

Avenged Sevenfold was run by M Shadows, who was as young as you lot. His right-hand man was the Rev, and the three other members were Vengeance, Synyster Gates and Christ.

They were still in high school, but they were led off to the path of Satanism

The Killjoys were Satanists, and the Rev from Avenged was also a Satanist

They killed and also tortured victims in the most painful way known to man

Aya dear are you alright?"

All heads turned to the 5'2 girl who had turned a sickly pale colour

"J-Just feeling a b-bit sick this morning" She gasped, she and Scar then went to the restrooms to freshen her up

Thomas gave a confused look at his friend after she returned


The rest of the day was uneventful and soon it was time to return home

Thomas hugged his friends goodbye before entering the comfort of Cherry Lang Foster Home

Connor, Aya and Scar went to the woods where Jimmy's old spot was, looking around for people

Scar opened a portal to Hell and all three jumped through and entered the Underworld

"How was school today?" Lucifer asked, Jimmy and Gerard right beside him

Oh you didn't think it was the end of them was it?

All of them became Satan's right-hand men, so whenever he left to consult with God they were in charge

"Bo-ring! I had to do a Spanish test!" Aya whined as Zacky laughed and hugged her

"How was Tom?" Frank asked from Matt's lap and arms

"He was being himself, he looks so much like you two!" Aya exclaimed, gaining chuckles from the adults

The three of them were their children, and like any good parent asked about schoolwork

"Thank you sweetie" Frank smiled

Yes, this was not the end for them
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!!!!!

Wow 17 subsribers nd no chapter yet!!!!!!

Proud of you guys :D

I made Connor a Hell's Angel for this one, he needed to live

Here's the first chapter of Heritage of Darkness

Oh nd if you guys read the chapter 24 of Dark Blood in the author's comment I said I got asked out by my now boyfriend Connor

Well in school today, I asked him what he liked about me and he replied with this:

"I like your personality, the fact that your like me -insert both of us laughing- I like your face, smile and eyes"

I kissed him on the cheek for tht

Isn't he sweet?
