‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Axel's Day at School

Axel's POV

I smiled as I placed my school stuff in my bag neatly. Ah, it's nice to live a kind of normal life and to get a break from collecting souls for a while. Oh, don't get me wrong I love my job... it just gets a bit boring once in a while plus there's loads of reapers. I looked over at my scythe and smiled. I then slung my bag over my shoulder and watched outside. Pounce, Scar, Aya, Connor and Thomas were all waiting for me.

“Damn it, Axel... you take forever to get ready,” Scar huffed.

“Hey, it's takes a while to look this good,” I smirked... Scar then punched me. I pouted as Frankie ran over. I smiled as he was so small. (I'm a little smaller then Jimmy). He hugged Thomas then we all left for school. Scar, Aya and Connor naturally hogged Thomas while Nate just walked in his little dream world.

“Well, well, if it ain't the freaks,” The familiar voice of the jocks sneered. Oh if only they knew. I grinned wickedly as I thought about my gift. Should I use it? Nah, it's too obvious. I sighed then turned to them.

“What the fuck do you want?” I growled. The jock sniggered.

“It's parent's evening soon and rumor is none of you have parents,” He sniggered as he looked at us in disgust. Note to self... talk to Jimmy about parents evening.

“Is that so? Well, I heard that your mum is a crack whore,” I spat. “Who sleeps with the students and the teachers but oh well... cya on parents evening,”

With that, we walked off. I sighed as I heard someone walked up to us. I turned round and saw a cheerleader.

“Oh my gosh, Axel, that was so hot,” She gasped, fluttering her fake eyelashes. “Are you, like, single?”

I stared in horror as she ran her hand down my chest. I snatched it away.

“Sorry but I like dick,” I replied, smirking.

“You're so funny,” She gasped, flicking her bleached straw like hair.

“I'm not joking,” I replied, before walking away, leaving her dump found. Jeez. I sighed as we walked on.

~Time Skip~

Soooo... now it's dinner time and Aya's just chatting away and I'm be a stalky reaper by watching Thomas., Damn, he's so cute... ah no... yes, he is cute but he's Matt and Frankie's kid. They'd kill me! (Though I wouldn't actually die but that's beside the point)

“Hey, Tom,” A horribly girly voice said. I rolled my eyes as a busty blonde slut sat down, pushing Aya and Nathaniel away. “How's it going?”

“Um...” He gasped... I looked closely. He was scared. She moved closer.

“You know me and you could get to know each other better... if you get what I mean,” Urg... stupid slut... he's clearly not interested.

“I... um... have history work to do,”

“Really? You could totally help me do mine,” She gasped, licking her lips. I started to shake. “I'm so bad at History... you could come to mine and we-”

“SHUT UP, YOU STUPID WHORE!” I suddenly screamed, standing up. Everyone, including the whore stared. I breathed in and sat back down as the whole room continued to look.

“What the fuck is your problem?” She gasped.

“You're my fucking problem and girls like you... thinking they can flaw and flirt their way in anything they want... it makes me fucking sick!” I screamed. “I hate sluts like you and it's quite obvious that he's not interested but you're too self obsessed to even notice!”

With that, she turned on her heel and walked off. I breathed in and continued eating my lunch as I felt a present in the air. I turned round and saw Jimmy smirking. I got up and walked outside.

“Quite a show there,” He smirked.

“Why are you here?”

“We need you to come home as soon as possible,” Then he disappeared. I shook my head.

“Axel are you ok?”
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Whoa! Sorry we haven't updated in a while but here it is. Leave a comment??