‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Parent's night!

“I’m okay!” I shouted as I walked back to the others, who were being eyed like prey

Thomas was looking around with a small smirk on his face, eyeing the tallest jock

Said jock gave a grin and advanced to Thomas, but then a rogue baseball nicked him on the nose. Causing it to bleed from the speed and force

OW! What the fuck?!” He cried out, clutching his nose as Thomas, Scar, Connor, Aya, Nate and I snickered. Loads more people chuckled at him, as he looked around looking for the culprit

Aya had a mischievous twinkle in her eye and no sooner than that, a bowl of soup splashed on the jock, causing him to grit his teeth with rage

Thomas chuckled as the jock glared at him

“Shut up orphan!” He growled as the whole lunchroom became silent. Thomas was very sensitive about that subject in the past according to Scar. But Thomas had a grin on his face

“That is where you are wrong! My parents found me!” He smiled as he grinned at me, I felt my cheeks blush

The jock just stared dumbfounded, as did the whole lunchroom

Later at home

“GUYS!!!” Aya shrieked as she was on Connor’s back, the two tore through the hall and into the living room.

They landed on the couch in a pile of giggling limbs while the others and I walked in calmly... well Nate jumped on them and Aya shrieked in laughter and fell on the ground near Brian’s feet

“Hi Bri!” She chirped and got up, sitting down on Brian’s lap

“Uh guys.... we have a situation” I cleared my throat as they all looked at me

“There’s a parent’s night coming... and we don’t have any parents. Well except for Thomas” I pointed out as their eyes widened

“Shit... we never had that cross our minds” Jimmy mumbled

3rd POV

“So you want us to become parents for you guys? And some of us have to be girls?” Mikey said in disbelief as he adjusted his glasses

“In a nutshell!” Aya giggled as she sat on Connor lap, letting his hand stroke her hair

“Ugh! Do we have to?” Johnny whined as they all nodded

In the next few hours and a potion later

“Wow Johnny, you look hot!” Scar mused as Aya nodded

Johnny had long brown hair with light blonde tips and bangs framing his face which was more rounded and his lips had lipgloss coated on. And his eyes were the same shade of green as Scar’s. He was still the same height though. He wore a plain white shirt with an orange sweater vest that was opened and black jeans with ballet flats

Zacky had shoulder-length black hair with his bangs swept to the side. His eyes were a charcoal black like Aya’s and his already slim figure held an hourglass figure. He wore a purple summer dress with sandals

Frank didn’t need much adjustment in looks, just needed boobs and a vagina. His hair had grown so he he tied it back in a ponytail. He wore a short jeans skirt and a black and white striped long sleeved shirt with a red heart necklace

Gerard had his old long black hair back, and his hazel eyes rimmed with eyeliner. He wore a denim dress with gladiator sandals

Mikey had his glasses and caramel hair that was pin straight like his teenage years, his jaw was rounded and his mouth was curved to his usual smirk. He was wearing a black ruffle skirt with a white v-neck and a red and grey checkered scarf

“Right... Zacky’s name is Zoey, Frank is the same, just short for Francesca or something, Johnny is Jackie, Gerard is Gemma and Mikey is Mikayla” Jimmy smirked as the ‘women’ nodded

“Don’t worry babe, the other men would be drooling over you and all the other mom’s will be jealous” Brian kissed Zoey, hugging her tight

“Let’s just get this over with” Mikayla grumbled

Parent’s night, oh joy! (Note sarcasm!)

As the ‘parents’ walked into the class, the jocks stared and so did the cheerleaders

Aya had Brian and Zoey Cortese as her parents, staying close to them

Scar had Jimmy and Jackie Raath, and Jackie was portraying as Ray’s sister so Scar, Nate and Axel were cousins

Thomas had of course, Matt and Francesca Sanders, short is Frankie

Nate and Axel had Ray and Gemma Raath, since Ray and Jackie are siblings

And Connor had Bob and Mikayla Marshall. The blonde group

“So Thomas, these are your parents eh?” A jock questioned as Thomas nodded, the jock shook his head in disbelief as a cheerleader walked up to Matt and Frankie

“Hi Mr and Mrs Sanders, I’m Rachelle! I’m Thomas’s girlfriend” She lied, hoping that Thomas’s parents would believe her

“Sweetie, I’m sorry but Thomas isn’t interested in girls” Frank smiled while Matt was laughing in the inside

“Oh?” The cheerleader raised a brow. “I’m his mother, and he tells me everything. So, truth is I don’t think you’re his girlfriend. He’s just waiting for a boyfriend” Frank smirked as the girl paled and walked away

“Thank’s Momma” Frank hugged Thomas and giggled

As Zoey separated from Brian for just a moment, she bumped into a jock and fell down

“Uff!” She gasped as she hit the floor

“Sorry!” The jock helped her up and looked at her from head to toe before smirking

“Hey, I never seen you around before. You a new student?” He flirted, while Zoey looked in disgust

Just then Brian came up stomping and glared at the jock

“Back off, she’s not interested” He growled as the jock’s father stepped in between

“Sir, you are defending your daughter from my perfectly good son? Are you saying that they could not be friends?” The man questioned as Brian grit his teeth

“Yes, they cannot be friends. Because this is my wife and not my daughter. My daughter is Aya” He spat as the jock stared in horror

“S-Sorry sir!” The jock’s father squeaked before ushering his family away

“I love it when you get defensive, it’s cute” Zoey smiled and pecked her husband on the lips

“You’re my girl, and you’ll always be. That’s why I married you” Brian chuckled as he and Zoey entwined their fingers together


The evening went on well, no jocks tried to hit on the women and other mom’s were talking to them about beauty and age

They just said their late 30’s and well... it was true... I guess

Well it’s Syn talking here so yeah....... in my head it went on perfectly

Until a jock had to ruin it of course


“Sanders! Those people are so not your parents!” A jock burst out in the room full of pupils and their parents, a few stared and gasped in horror but jocks and cheerleaders alike were cheering on the jock who’s name was Gavin

“Excuse me, how dare you say that young man!” Matt bellowed, using his fatherly voice that came out ever since him and Frankie reunited with Thomas

“Thomas is lying!” The girl Rachelle form earlier piped in

“And Connor is a freak!” Gavin spat as Bob grew angry

“He’s dyslexic!” Bob growled as Mikayla tried to calm him down

“ENOUGH! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO A BOY RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS PARENTS!” A teacher shouted and the room was deathly quiet


Gavin and Rachelle had detention for a month and had to apologize to the Connor and Thomas along with their parents


As soon as they reached home, the potion wore off and they were back to their male bodies

“Finally! It felt so weird having boobs and a vagina!” Mikey cheered as the othes laughed

“Only Mikey” Gerard snickered and then a pillow flew across the room and hit him on the head


“You asked for it bitch!”

“I did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did fucking not!”


“Gods, and I thought we were the children,” Scar rolled her eyes

“Scar remember that we’re just as old as them” Connor pointed out

“Eh, true, true”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey hey!!!! SYN IS BACK BABEH!!!!!!!

I got back from a camping trip on Thursday and could not walk at all!!!!1

I had blisters torn open and my feet hurt a lot, so I'm bitching about it at home

And yeah..... okay hope you like it and comment!!!!