‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Thomas's Lessons

Thomas's POV

“Well, now that you're settled in,” Matt, I mean Dad, smiled. “We were thinking off teaching you how to control your powers... but we're not entirely sure how powerful you are so we decided that Axel should be your mentor as he can't die,”

“Oh, cool,” I smiled, happy that Axel was gonna teach me.

“What do you mean since I can't die?” Axel asked, looking slightly worried.

“Well, you're a reaper, aren't ya?” Dad replied, smirking slightly.

“Well, yeah but it still hurts to die... I just come back,”

“Exactly...” Dad grinned. “You're be fine,”

With that, he walked off, leaving me and Axel. I turned and smiled.

“So then...” I replied.

“Hmm... what can you do?”

“Well, just weird stuff,” I replied. “Can I see your scythe?”

“Sure thing,” He smiled, with a sparkle in his eyes. “You might wanna stand back... it's huge,”

Zacky's POV

I hummed to myself as I walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and sighed as there was nothing. I closed it and turned round but jumped as the creepy snake girl was in front of me.

“Hey,” She smiled. “I'm Louise,”

“I don't care,” I replied, looking around for Brian.

“Well... I do... I love your eyes... do you get jealous often?” She asked, going to run her hand up my chest. I pushed her away then her eyes turned a deep green. “Don't you like me, Vengeance?”

“Why the fuck would I?” I replied, going to walk away but she grabbed my arms. “Let go, you stupid whore,”

“Leave him alone, Louise,” Pounce growled. Louise made a hissing noise before spinning around.

“Oh, shut it... you scurvy dog!” She gasped then she turned back to me, her eyes back to a normal brown. “You know I was the prom queen,”

“I really don't care,” I replied, as Scar entered the room. Her eyes turned pure black as she spotted Louise... luckily at this point, Brian and Jimmy walked in... with holy water. Jimmy made a growling noise as I moved over to Brian. He wrapped his arms round me and kissed me. I moaned and kissed back.

“Louise... return to hell... and if you ever come back here, I will personally drown you in holy water,” Jimmy ordered as Scar growled deeply. Louise frowned then disappeared as I pulled away from Brian. Scar calmed down as Pounce walked over to her.

“Do you and her have bad blood?” Brian asked.

“Louise is Scar's Rival in hell,” Pounce replied, rubbing Scar's arm. Damn they look so cute together. “Though Nancy never liked her... Louise that is... she likes Scar,,”

“Nancy?” Brian mumbled, wrapping his arms round my waist and kissed the shell of my ear/

“Lust...” Scar replied. “She's cool... she was a porn star when she was living,”

“Oh,” All of us replied.

“Oh my god!” Thomas' voice echoed. “It really is huge!”

We all looked at each other then rushed outside. Axel had hold of a beautifully crafted death scythe. It was made from the finest silver and had several ruby skulls on it. Thomas's eyes were wide as he admired the fateful silver beauty.

“Yes, it is rather big,” Axel smirked, clearly proud of it as Brian did an impressed whistle. “Oh... hey guys!”

“Oh... Axel,” Scar sighed. “Quit showing off your scythe,”

Axel rolled his eyes then his scythe glowed purple and disappeared. He then pulled a necklace on.

“That's what we call compact magic,” He said to Thomas. “Makes a large item, like my scythe, easy to carry,”

“Oh cool,” He replied. “So what other forms of magic are they?”

“Well... there's two types of magic,” Axel replied. “What I just did... compact magic... it belongs in the section known as obscure magic then there's elemental magic... there's also alchemy but I'll teach you that later,”

“Ok... what else is in Obscure magic?” Thomas asked.

“Well, anything like shape shifting, mind reading, invisibility, super speed... both Zacky and Brian started off as Obscures,” He replied. “Elemental consists of the elements... Johnny and Matt started off elementals,”

“How is Dad an elemental?” I asked.

“Shadows comes from Darkness... which in Hell is classified as an element,” Axel replied. “Anyway... that's pretty much what you need to know so since your dad started off as an elemental.. I shall start with that,”
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Whoo... Scar here. Yey, it's a filler. Hope you like