‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Obscure Magic Mayhem

Thomas’s POV

“NANCY!!!” Pounce yelled as he ran out into the garden and jumped on her.

“Easy there, Tiger,” She laughed as he purred. They got up as Scar laughed. Pounce ran over to Scar and sat next to her, his cat tail twitching from side to side. “Aww… don’t you two look cute?”

Scar stuck out her tongue, making Nancy laugh then she turned to me.

“So you’re Thomas I assume?” She smirked, her pink eyes twinkling… wait… pink eyes?!

“Um… Nancy?” I asked.

“Ah the eyes,” She smirked. “Pink is the natural color of lust but you know I just love the color red and I use magic on my hair as that’s bright pink too but looks way better black,”

“Magic? What kind?”

“Glamour, sweetie,” She smirked. “Now isn’t it time for your Obscure Magic lessons?”

“Yeah, it is,” Axel smirked as he got up. “So now you’re know the basics of Elemental Magic… we’re gonna move onto the basic of Obscure Magic,”

“Ooo,” I mumbled, as Nancy sat down to watch.

“We’ll start off with invisibility,” Axel mumbled. “There are two basic ways to learn invisibility… the easy way and the hard way… the easy way is the obscure way but you can achieve invisibility using elements,”

“You can?!” I gasped.

“Yes,” Axel smiled.

“Axel, don’t confuse the poor kid,” Nancy sighed but Axel just glared.

“Ok… now you need to clear your mind,” Axel smiled. I breathed in. “Close your eyes… it’d help,”

I nodded and closed my eyes, clearing my mind.

“Now focus on becoming invisible,” I focused on it but I didn’t feel any different. “Ok… that’s not what we wanted,”

“What?!” I asked, opening my eyes but I was floating. “Holy shit!”

“Tom!” Frankie gasped. “Mind your language!”

I then lost concentration and fell. Axel helped me up.

“Well, at least, we know you can levitate,” He smirked. “So let’s try again,”

I nodded and repeated my actions. This time I felt a shiver so I opened my eyes and looked down but I couldn’t see myself. I looked up as I returned to normal.

“Oi, Shadows, I think your kid’s a natural,” Nancy smirked. Dad nodded proudly.

“What’s the other way to be come invisible?”

“Bending the element of light around you… it can be done with Darkness too but it’s really hard to master those two elements,”

“Wait… Light’s an element too?!” I gasped. Axel nodded. “So what’s next?”

“Glamour,” Nancy said as she got up, pushing Axel aside. “This is my specialty,”

“Ooo,” I mumbled. “So how does it work?”

“Glamour is all about illusions… if mastered it can drive a person insane but it is very handy if you need to change your appearance or create a distraction,” She smirked. “We’ll started off simply though… hair color,”

“Ok,” I replied, as Nancy shook her hair. The black melted out and it became Bubble Gum Pink. It actually looked really cool.

“Watch carefully,” She mumbled, before she placed her hands on her head and slid them down her hair. As she did, the black returned. Everyone clapped as she did. “Now you try… imagine the hair color you want is in your hands,”

I nodded and copied her actions.

“I guess green is one of your favorite colors,” She mumbled. I smiled. “Ok to get rid of it, just shake your head,”

I nodded and shook it.

“Very good, Thomas,” She smirked, kindly then turned around. “Once you’ve mastered it, you can do stuff like this,”

She waved her hand and created a huge black, red and pink dragon. I whistled as Scar smirked.

“Hey, what animal can you turn into?” I asked, remembering that Scar turned into a creepy giant crow, which was really cool but yeah.

“I can turn into a vixen,” Nancy smirked. “Which brings us to our next subject, Shape Shifting,”

“Oh… wow!” I gasped.

“This is a lot harder,” Axel replied. “So we’ll just work out your actual animal for now,”

“What’s yours?” I asked.

“A raven,” Axel smiled. “It’s quite simple to work it out… what’s your favorite animal?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's the basic of Obscure Magic. hope you all like :D