‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Shapeshifting Is Fun! and so is Jimohnny sex!

"A panther" I replied, gaining a nod from Axel

"Good animal choice" He smiled, I blushed slightly at the warm smile

Axel's POV

Nice animal, nice boy, nice ass...........

God, I really like this kid.... He's beautiful, even when his hair is green. He makes it work

Axel, crushing on Thomas are we?

Zacky's voice chimed in my ear, I glanced at him and saw that he had an eyebrow raised but he had a wolfish grin on his face

Fuck off Zacky! Yes I do but I'm scared that Matt and Frank will pummel my ass back to Hell! I mentally screamed at him. In a relationship it's always the parents that scares people the most. Well Matt and Frank are both powerful so yeah, kinda nervous on getting my ass handed

But I really do think that Thomas is amazing

Oh my god he has the cutest laugh ever! His eyes are always so bright, and they were a pretty hazel. His hair is always perfect and he hides behind it when he blushes

I wonder how big he is? How tight will he be when I make love to him

My fantasies were cut short when something big and furred knocked me over

I gave a yelp of surprise until I noticed it was a huge black panther with hazel eyes

"Thomas?" I asked as the panther nodded its head, okay weird but heck it's Thomas! I sat up and stroked it, feeling his silky fur.... I wonder if his hair is the same when I stroke it when we're cuddled up...

The panther shifted back to Thomas and I just realized he was straddling me...

I gulped as he noticed our position and blushed

"Oh my deathbats I'm so sorry!" he apologized, helping me up

"It's okay" I cleared my throat as I noticed Zacky laughing

I glared at him until he quietened down, but still snickering

"Hey Tom, try and shift to your mom!" Brian said, cuddling with Zacky. I envy him, I imagine that I'm Brian and Thomas is Zacky

"I'll try" He said as he nodded. This time his eyes were open but they turned hazel-brown and he grew shorter and when he looked down and smiled he didn't have his dimples

His adorable dimples

He shifted back to himself and grinned

His appearance then changed again, this time he looked like that girl that tried to kiss me in school

"Hey Scar, Aya, Connor, Axel guess who I am?" He grinned and cleared his throat

"Hi, I'm Alisha and I'm the cheer captain! I love Justin Bieber and Axel Raath! He's like sooo hot!" He said in her voice as we all laughed

Thomas shifted back to his perfect self and I sighed in relief

"Right! Lesson's over for today! Go do whatever you want, I'm horny right now!" Jimmy announced before he scooped Johnny in his arms and sprinting to his room

I silently prayed that they won't be too loud

3rd POV

"Jimmy!" Johnny squealed as he was thrown on their king-sized bed. Giggling at the thought of a horny Jimmy

Jimmy locked the door and touched the walls, his hands glowing white. "I cast a mute spell on the room, they won't hear a thing" Jimmy gave a feral grin and jumped on Johnny, attacking his neck with kisses

"No!!! Jimmy!!! Johnny has a surprise for Jimmy!" Johnny pouted at the taller man, his eyes begging to be free

"Okay, but it better be good!" Jimmy warned as Johnny nodded. "I promise babe, how about stripping down to your underwear?" Johnny crooned, his finger teasing the waistband of Jimmy's jeans by tugging it lightly

Johnny then skipped to their bathroom, locking the door. Jimmy sighed wondering how he got so lucky, taking off his shirt and jeans, already pitching a tent in his boxers

He heard a door open and close and looked up, his jaw dropping from the sight that met him

Johnny was wearing a white see-through baby doll that parted at the chest and a lacy white thong to match, said man sashayed over to Jimmy, smirking

"You like the surprise?" he giggled, twirling around girlishly. "Fuck yeah" Jimmy growled, staring at the thong that hugged Johnny's male

Johnny climbed on Jimmy's lap, hips swaying back and forth as their males brushed slightly, making Jimmy ache even more. He attached his mouth to Johnny's lips sloppily, tongues brushing as his hands groped Johnny's pert ass. His hands slid to Johnny's thighs and got closer to his cock, but his hands was slapped away by Johnny who tutted

"You're not getting this cock yet baby" He grinned as Jimmy groaned

Johnny used all his might and pushed Jimmy down, kissing a trail down the FICTION tattoo before freeing Jimmy's cock from his boxers and taking the head in his mouth

Jimmy groaned in pleasure through gritted teeth, he sat up and moaned, feeling Johnny's teeth against the veins of his penis. "Jeez Johnny, you're feisty today" He chuckled as Johnny grinned against his cock. He licked a trailed down the underside of the cock, kissing the base of Jimmy's swollen male

Johnny then abandoned the male and laid back, lifting his legs so that they stretched over his head. "Wanna take off my thong with your teeth?" He asked innocently as Jimmy nodded. Jimmy's teeth latched on to the lace, tugging them slowly. His nose came in contact with Johnny's naked member now, he let go of the thong before kissing the head softly

Then to his surprise, Johnny pushed him back to a sitting position before taking off the rest of his thongs and straddling Jimmy

"I wanna ride you" He whispered lowly, reaching down to fondle Jimmy's large cock. Johnny positioned himself so that Jimmy's tip rubbed his entrance, kissing Jimmy's throat. Jimmy moaned low before gripping Johnny's hips and massaging them in large circles

Johnny licked a stripe down Jimmy's throat as he shoved his hips down, taking Jimmy's cock fully. He cried out as he bounced up and down, loving the feeling of the thick cock. Jimmy cursed before removing the see-through babydoll from Johnny's sucking his collarbones feverishly. He sucked on Johnny's nippled, but instead of using his tongue he used a tongue of fire and licked them. Johnny screamed in ecstasy and he released, his cum getting all over their chests

"Jay, I'm gonna cum" Jimmy panted, cleaning Johnny's chest of his seed before exploding inside Johnny's tight walls

The two stayed like that for a while longer before their bodies separated

"Damn that was hot!" Jimmy said breathlessly as Johnny giggled

"Love you Jim" He sighed, snuggling up to his husband

"I love you too Blue-Jay" Jimmy grinned as the two fell asleep
♠ ♠ ♠
Sup guys! Syn here

Sexy sexy Jimohnny!!!!!

So so so so so so so so so so sorry for the short chapter!!! But I've been really busy, family over and Christmas

Oh and comment!

It's my birthday tomorrow.. the 27th... so please comment?

I also have a new fic going, it's called Cirque du Chaos

Cirque du Chaos

Link ^^^

Might have another chapter tomorrow!!!