‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Bullies and Love

Thomas' POV

I love my new powers. They're so amazing. I'm just so... excited... then there's Axel. Oh, he's just amazingly hot... with his black and white hair and perfect body. I sighed happily then frowned. Who am I kidding? Axel would never like me. I mean why would he? I'm fat and ugly. He's probably straight too.

“Oi! Fag!” A jock called, as the bell rang. I grabbed my stuffs and continued walking but he and his gang followed me. Great, just what I need. “I was talking to you, Fag!”

“Piss off,” I hissed, tempted to use some of my new found powers but it was way tooo risky.

“Ooo!” He grinned, before punching me in the jaw. I quickly ran off as he followed. I ran into the boys; toilets and hid in the cubicles bathroom but he came in. “I know you're in here, Sanders!”

“Shit,” I gasped then yelled as he ripped open my door. He yanked me out and slammed my head into the sinks. I cried out as I felt blood drip down my forehead.

“Fucking fag!” He spat, slamming me against the wall. “Is it true you like cock? Eh, fag?”

I struggled as he tried to undo my pants. I tried to shout but he slammed his hand over my mouth.

“What's the matter? Don't you want my huge cock inside you?!” He hissed, wickedly. “Bet you're as loose as a clown's pocket eh? With the amount of guys you sleep with, fag?”

At that moment, the light went out then the door of the bathroom slammed open, revealing a slim tall figure in the darkness. Axel.

“Get your filthy human hands off him!” He snarled, causing said jock to drop me and turned around.

“Ooo, you think you're so tough, Raath,” He spat. “Come and have a go if you think you can handle it,”

At that point, a psychotic grin spread across Axel's face, making him look hotter. I gulped as I looked at him. He closed the door and locked it then turned to the jock and smirked before punching him in between the eyes. He then got on top of him and repeatedly punched him. I watched in amazment as Axel assaulted the guy. Axel then got up as his necklace glowed and grew into his scythe. He swung it down and straight into the jock's heart causing blood to splatter on him then he swung it sideways and cut off his head, causing more blood splatter. His scythe turned back into a necklace and the body and blood disappeared. Axel sighed then turned to me.

“You ok, Tommy?” He asked, making my heart flutter. He had rescued me. I slowly got up and nodded. He walked over to me and gently touched my face, checking out what wounds the now dead jock had inflicted. “Hmm... not too bad,”

“Oh, god, it's terrible isn't it?” I gasped, making Axel chuckle.

“Nah, you're still pretty,” He muttered, before he realized what he said and blushed. (Kind of). “Sorry,”

“It's fine,” I smiled, as he looked down at me. Damn, he's so tall. I then noticed his tie was slightly undone as well as his black shirt, revealing so of his deliciously pale skin. I gulped. “Er... we s-should find-,”

“You have something on your lips,” He muttered... he was staring at me intensely.

“I have?”

“Um hmm,” He replied, before kissing me. I gasped in slightly shock as he did but totally kissed back... boy was it amazing. Everything I imagined and better. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as he gripped onto my hips and slid his surprisingly warm tongue into my mouth. I moaned gently as we twirled our tongues together and locked our lips. He won dominance and I happily gave in. He used his tongue to roam my mouth then slowly pulled away. I blushed lightly as he smirked down at me, his eyes a strange color between pink, red and yellow. “I've wanted to do that since I first meet you,”

“Really?” I gasped, blushing.

“Yep, I really like you, Tommy,” He grinned, before pushing my hair out of my face. “Do you like me?”

“Y-yeah,” I replied, blushing even more.

“You're cute when you blush,” He smiled, leaning down and gently pecking my lips with his.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Anything you want, sweetheart,” He smirked, his eyes now completely yellow.

“Why do your eyes change color?” I asked.

“Oh... they change with my emotions,” He replied, looking away slightly. “Sorry... I kind of can't help it,”

“Oh no! I like it!” I gasped, holding my hands up. “I was just wondering why.... that's all,”

He smiled and gently kissed me again. I sighed gently as he slid his tongue across my lip but then pulled away.

“Hmm... we better find the others... they're gonna be worried about us,” He mumbled before smirked. “I have a question for you,”

“You do?” I asked.

“Um hmm,”

“What is it?”

“Be my boyfriend?”

“Really? You want me?”

“Of course, I want you... I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't,” He replied. “So will you be my boyfriend?”

“Yes,” I grinned, before he smirked then linked his fingers into mine and we walked out to find Scar, Aya, Connor and Pounce.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok sorry i haven't updated in a while. Please forgive me. Anyway here it is. Axel and Thomas's first kiss! Yey! Hope you liked it. Comments???