‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Let's Play a Game

“Bri....” Zacky sighed, as Brian hugged him. “I'm bored,”

“Let's go torture James,” Brian smiled, sadistically. A wide grin spread across Zacky's face and him and Brian ran off to the torture rooms, where their old nemesis James Lowe, was been held. Brian and Zacky really enjoyed torturing him, because, as you may remember, James murdered Zacky.

“Hello there,” Zacky smirked, his emerald eyes burnt with pure hate. James simply stared at the two sadistic boys. He couldn't speak or move as they had removed his tongue and vocal cords and cut out his spine. Zacky looked over at the five boys chained up next to him Like Lowe, Zacky and Brian tortured them. Zacky picked up the silver knife and smirked wickedly. “Today, Lowe, we're gonna cut out your eyes,”

James shook his head as Zacky walked over to him. The room filled with the sound of cutting, blood spluttering and James trying to scream as Zacky cut and ripped out his eyes. Zacky smirked as he put the bloody knife down and placed James' eyes in a jar. Brian smirked as he walked over and kissed his husband.

“I think Lu would like those,” Brian smirked, as he linked hands with Zacky before grabbing his petite ass and kissing him again. Zacky giggled as he kissed back then him and Brian walked off.

~Lu's Office~

“Now don't forget that you have a meeting with Derry Mayson,” Johnny smiled at Lu, who fixed his tie. Jimmy smirked as he watched his baby, helping Lu look more human.

“Ok, how do I look, boys?” Lu asked.

“Very sexy,” Jimmy grinned wickedly, as Zee and Brian.

“Almost human,” Matt smirked, before gently kissing Frankie's cheek. Gerard shook his head as Ray laughed. Mikey was asleep on Bob's lap and Bob was also asleep.

“Well, don't you look the business, Lu?” Brian smirked. “Zee has a present for you,”

“Lowe's eyes,” Zacky smirked, handing the jar to the white hair man, who held them up.

“Lovely, these will work nicely for a curse I've been meaning to do,” Lu smirked, as the door bell rang. Jimmy smirked as it screamed then an old looking man walked in. He was wearing a suit. He looked at the 10 boys, who all glared at him.

“Mr Mayson, please take a seat,” Lu smiled, as the man sat down. “What can I do for you?”

“It's my wife... she's dying,” He replied. “Please make her better... I'll give you my soul,”

“Ah, the road to hell is pathed with good intention,” Lu replied, as he took out a file. “I can offer you several type of deals to do with this request... you just chose the one that suits you,”

Meanwhile on Earth

“There it is,” A girl with long blonde hair tied up in piggy tails smirked, as she pointed to the burnout manor. It was a very old place and known as Deathbat Manor. Their English Teacher, Mrs Murray, had told them about the group who lived there. Avenged Sevenfold. The girl looked at her friends. “Ready to go in?”

“You betcha,” The boy with mousy brown hair and wearing a jock's jacket smirked. His name was Cody Jay Peters and he was the most popular boy in the school. He was the most popular player on the football team.

“Naturally,” The other girl gasped. Her hair was a horrible dyed orange color and she was a cheerleader. Next to her was another girl and a boy, both looked shy and scared but they walked in with the first three. The manor was badly burnt out and the group couldn't help but wondered what happened here. Cody made a mental note to ask his English teacher about it. They walked through the manor, taking it all in. Some windows had been blown out.

“Right, let's split up,” The first girl said. “Me, Lily and Cody will go that way while you two emos can go upstairs,”

The three popular kids ran off, leaving the two other kids alone.

“I don't like this, Jackie,” The boy said.

“I don't like it either, Greg but if we want them to leave us alone,” Jackie replied, walking upstairs. They investigated the upstairs and found nothing so they opened a door and found a bedroom. It wasn't as burnt out as the other places but still pretty bad. Greg noticed something shining on the bedside table and walked over. He gasped as he saw two of the prettiest guns ever. He slowly walked over and picked them up.

“Greg, Jackie! We’re gonna do a séance!”

“Great!” Jackie gasped, walking out. Greg looked around and pocketed the guns then ran out after her.
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oh yeah! you guys like? then leave a comment hahaha

also please join my contest!!!! Puppy eyes http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/171164/ you know you want to.