‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

A Brief History: Part One

“I bet you have loads of questions,” The tall azure eyed, raven-haired satanist smirked... however, he got a load of glares from the other boys. “What did I do?”

“You have that same look you had when we first met you,” Brian stated, before turning to Thomas. “I'm Brian aka Synyster Gates, you already met Zee and your parents,” He nodded to Frankie and Matt as Zacky kissed his cheek. “The tall twat's Jimmy aka the Rev and the midget is Johnny Christ,”

“Do you have to call me a midget, Gates?” Johnny mocked, glared as Brian stuck out his tongue then he got up and hugged Thomas. “It's good to see ya again,”

“Thanks,” Thomas smiled. “Jimmy's right I have loads of questions,”

“Fire away!” Jimmy cackled.

“Well, why did you start Avenged Sevenfold in the first?” Thomas asked. Jimmy looked over at everyone before nodding.

“Well, it's a very interesting story,” Jimmy smiled. “But some of it's hard to deal with,”

“Oh... well, I really want to know,” Thomas said.

“Well, let's start with your papa,” Jimmy smirked. “Mattie dearest, tell your son the beginning,”

“Well, ok,” Matt said as he cleared his throat. “Once upon a time...”

“Dad, I'm like Seventeen,” Thomas smirked, as everyone laughed. Matt sighed and nodded.

“We all met in church,” He said. “I use to be a jock, but a nice one, and I had this girlfriend called Val,”

At that point, Brian groaned. Thomas looked at him.

“I use to date her twin,” He mumbled, as if the memories were painful. Thomas turned his attention back to his dad, who cleared his throat.

“Anyway, before I met Jimmy, I had to hide my obsession with torture, roadkill and mummification, which my name been shadows cause I'm dark and twisted,” Matt smiled, as the memories flowed back of his old room. “Man you should have seen your grandma’s face when she saw Fluffy the Cat mummified and hanging from my celing. She put me into therapy because of it but it never helped then I met Jimmy and Johnny... Johnny at first looked like an wimpy midget but that kid's tough,” Johnny smirked as Matt nodded to him. “And Jimmy had that same deranged look in his eye... he actually scared me then we met Brian and Zacky later on,”

“Ok, so what happened to your girlfriend?”

“I tortured her and buried her alive,” Matt said, thinking his son would freak but instead his eyes widen and he made an 'Oo' noise. Scar smirked.

“What about you, Johnny? What was your life like before Avenged Sevenfold?” Thomas asked, as curiosity took over him. He wanted to know everything about his family.

“My life before these guys was a prison... I was home educated and locked away like an animal... only allowed out to go to church then Jimmy came along and rescued me... in a sense... with Matt as his... ahem... noble steed,”

“Dad... I didn't know you were a horse,” Thomas smirked as Matt rolled his eyes. “Ok that is cool but why were you locked up?”

“Over protective parents... my mum was convinced that I would be murdered if I stepped outside,” He sighed. “She was a freak and a mad catholic... hence why I called myself Christ... like a final fuck you to my mom,”

“Ok, glad you guys aren't like that,” Thomas smirked. “What about you, Jim?”

“My life only changed cause I got friends,” He grinned, doing a thumbs-up. “Apart from that, it was pretty much the same!”

“Ok, why the Rev tho?” Thomas asked.

“Coz I is a satanist!” Jimmy grinned.

“Ok, what about you, Brian? What was your life like?” He asked, turning his attention to the former pianist.

“Well, as I mentioned I was dating Matt's girlfriend twin but I had a very strict father and a proud mother and the house we lived in looked like a show house... I hated it,” Brian replied, as Zacky sat next to him as he took off his gloves. He showed Thomas the scars on his hands. “I got those from my dad... he would hit my palms if I played a single note wrong when I played the piano... I hated that too,”

“Ok, what happen to your girlfriend?” Thomas asked, wondering if she suffered a similar fate to his dad's ex and judging by Brian's smirk, she did.

“I used her as target practice then dumped the bitch in a bush,” He replied, as Zacky leaned his head on his shoulder.

“So why is your name Synyster Gates,”

“A sinister boy waited at the gates of Hell... my grandpa said that and it stuck as my name,” Brian smirked as Thomas nodded.

“So what about you, Zack?” He asked.

“Well... my life sucked before I met these guys,” He replied, looking down. “I lived in a trailer park, had a druggy whore for a mother and an abusive alcoholic for a dad,”

“Oh,” Thomas replied. “Did you have a girlfriend?”

“No... I didn't even have friends before these guys,” He replied. “No one wanted to be the whore's son friend,”

“Why did you call yourself Vengeance?” Thomas asked but instantly regretted it as Zacky's facial expression changed to one of pain but then it just when emotionless.

“I was gang-raped by a bunch of Jocks,” Was all he said before getting up and walking off as Thomas gasped. Brian got up and followed him.

“Oh, Dad, I didn't know,”

“It's fine,” Jimmy said. “He's come on a long way since that... if anyone asked before he would break down and he use to have nightmares about it... they still happen but he doesn't scream the place down now,”

“Oh, will he be ok?” Thomas asked.

“He'll be fine, honey,” Frankie cooed, wrapping his arms around his son who happily leaned back as Matt wrapped his arms around both of them. “I made the same mistake too,”

“You did? Why?” Thomas asked.

“Well, it wasn't just Zacky who was raped,” Jimmy explained. “Without question, his was the most violent and traumatizing but your momma and Johnny were attacked as well but by different people,”

“Oh, momma, jay,” Thomas gasped, shocked that that had happened.

“It's fine sweetie,” Frankie cooed. “I asked Zacky when he was still getting over the trauma of his attack,”

“Can I go see if he's ok?” Thomas asked, as Matt and Frankie let him go. He walked in the kitchen where Zacky was hugging Brian. “Um... Zack... I'm sorry... I didn't know,”

“It's fine, Thomas,” Zacky smiled, as he walked over and hugged him. “Sorry, if I seemed cold,”

“It's fine,” Thomas smiled as Brian walked over.

“Come on, let's go finish the story,” He smiled, linking his hand with Zacky's. They walked back in and sat down.

“Ok, so when did you guys come in this whole thing?” He asked Scar, Aya and Connor.

“The killjoys came first and there was more before them,” Jimmy smirked.

“We murdered the Preacher of the church,” Brian smirked.

“Killed most of our parents,” Matt grinned... “but don't get any ideas,”

“Burn down the church!” Johnny squealed.

“Then finished off the jocks,” Zacky replied. “Then we went on the run so Jimmy contacted a group called the Killjoys, which is Frankie's gang,”

“But there was some bad blood created between us and their leader, Gerard Way aka...” Brian smirked.

“Party Poison,” Gerard smirked as they walked in. “Alright guys,”

“Way!” Scar smirked, before punching him. He gasped, pinching his nose then looked up. “You still owe me six souls, bitch!”

“I'm working on it,” He smirked as he straightened up. He wiped the blood on his jeans then turned to Thomas. “Fuck me... he really looks like you two,”

“No thank you, Gerard,” Brian smirked. “You have Ray to do that,”

“Whatever, Gates,” Gerard smirked as he snuggled into his lover's arms. “Everything you've heard about us lot is pretty much true by the way... it's these guys that fucked everything up,”

“Watch your mouth, Way,” Jimmy warned.

“I meant that in a good way,” He smiled. “To cut a long story short, I didn't like Matt at first and Brian hated me,”

“Sometimes I still do,” Brian joked, well at we think he's joking. Zacky smiled hugged him. “During that time, we gained our abilities, Jimmy got promoted, we did a high school massacre, killing the rest of our parents there then we robbed a bank and took over here,”

“That's when James Lowe came in... we had him as a foot solider but Zacky never trusted him as he couldn't read his minds,” Jimmy replied.

“You can read minds?!” Thomas gasped.

“I can do a lot more then now but yes, it was part of my ability,” Zacky replied, smirking. “Anyway, I was right about him,”

“Yeah, we know, Zee,” Jimmy grinned. “Anyway Matt and Frankie got married first then Zee and Brian tied the knot with a classic wedding massacre then me and Johnny,”

“Ah, good times,” Johnny grinned. “I'll show you my wedding dress sometime,”

“You wore a dress?” Thomas asked.

“So did my bride maids been Zacky and your momma,” Johnny grinned as the other two boys laughed. Thomas nodded.

“After that, Lowe started acting weird and we're kidnapped by rogue demons,” Zack replied, as he hugged onto Brian.

“But we rescued them and kicked demon butt,” Matt laughed. “You guys remember the beach trip?”

“How the hell could we forget?” Jimmy grinned. “Classic!”

“If you're wondered a streaker ran across the beach,” Johnny grinned as Brian and Zacky burst out in laughter.
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Whoo! Am back! Yey! Feels good! haha... anyway the second part will be up in a min so yeah! Leave us comments! ;)