‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

A Brief History: Part Two

Thomas smiled happily as he listened to his family's brief history. He couldn't believed how loved he felt. It filled with an emotion he had never felt before at the children's home. He felt like he belonged.

“So when did you guys met Scar, Aya and Connor?” He asked.

“Well, Connor came first after James started to dig for info on us,” Jimmy explained. “You see James murdered Aya, this was before they were dating by the way, and they knew from my little old hang out spot aka my ritual ground... anyway, Connor often tried to kill James but it was unsuccessful so Satan put me in charge of lil' ol' Aya... she's actually a hell's angel so it was them for a while then along came Scar delivered by Satan himself... she was a rare treat... truly gifted and kept James in his place that fateful night when she dragged him to hell,”

“Hell? Scar, what are you?” Thomas asked, his hazel-green eyes shining in amazement.

“Thomas, honey, I am the embodiment of the sin, Wrath,” She smirked.

“Hey, Scar...” Zacky smiled, sweetly.

“Yes, Zacky?” Scar replied, flicking her hair.

“What's your real name?” He asked quickly.

“It's Abigail Andrews,” She replied, as her features soften. Thomas stared.

“You're Abigail Andrews... the girl who took down an entire police force, murdered her ex and his lover, robbed several banks, became the first girl to take out a high up politician and take over the Mafia,” Thomas gasped, as Scar blushed. “Oh my god, you were my idea when I was younger... I don't understand how I didn't realize it was you,”

“Um... well,” She blushed, as Avenged and the Killjoys stared.

“Scar.... why didn't you tell us?” Aya asked, as Scar looked down.

“I never actually told you the year I died,” She whispered.

Everyone looked over at Thomas, who gulped but he saw they weren't angry with her. Jimmy walked over to and hugged her.

“There's no need to be embarrassed! We still loved you, Scar!” Johnny grinned as everyone nodded and smiled. “You're secretive... you always have been but come on, girl tell us more!”

“Well, I died when I was 19 in 1979, after I killed my ex and his girlfriend... of course what the history books don't tell is that he was a politician and that she was his wife... he lied to me, told me I was his only woman and that he wanted to marry me then it turned I was the mistress... not her... but I never saw it that.. I mean we're engaged!” She growled. “So as you guys know I burn her with acid then set fire to her house and ran him down and murdered them then I just went round killing and took over the mafia then took on a load of cops, killing them all but they had brought backup with them and I died,” She replied then she turned to Thomas. “I'm 68 years old,”

“Bloody hell!” Gerard gasped.

“Hey! Nathaniel's older!” Scar growled.

“Who's Nathaniel?” Thomas asked.

“Scar's boyfriend!” Aya sang sweetly.

“He is not my boyfriend!” Scar growled, jumping on Aya and pinning her down.

“Ah! She's got me!” Aya smirked.

“Right that's it!” Scar grinned before tickling Aya, who roared with laughter. Connor simply grinned as Aya overpowered Scar, who huffed.

“Well, isn't this fun?” A strange, echoy voice stated. Scar and Aya jumped up as a man in a blood red suit and snowy hair walked in, followed by a girl with forest green hair and dressed in a ripped prom dress. Thomas noticed Scar glaring at the girl.

“Lu, what the fuck is that bitch doing her?!” Scar growled. “I told you never to- AH!”

“Scar!” Zacky shouted as Scar changed into some sort of... well crow. She then attacked the other girl, who changed into a snake. Brian grabbed Zacky while Matt pulled Thomas and Frankie out the way as the two monsters fought but it soon became clear that Scar was the strongest of the two.

“Enough!” Lu boomed, as both girls separated. Scar changed back as did the other girl. “Louise, you can't say I didn't warn you,”

“She started it,” Louise spat.

“That's what she does! Now, go,”

“Why do you always let her get away with things?!” Louise shouted, before disappearing. Aya and Connor were holding Scar up as she breathed hard. She had a few cuts but it was her back that was bleeding more then anything. Lu walked over.

“I'm sorry about that, Scar,” He smiled. “I came here to tell that I'm putting Nathaniel in your charge,”

“You are?” She gasped.

“Yes,” He replied. “Since you left he hasn't been getting on with anyone,”



“I'm gonna kill him,” With that, Nathaniel appeared and he was in a bad state. His tail had been broken and was wrapped up in a bandage and he was leaning on a very pale skinned boy with black and white hair. The boy looked up and grinned.

“Aya, Scar,” He smirked. “It's very good to see you again,”

“Axel?” Jimmy asked, as the boy nodded. “No way! Man!”

“Yes, it had been a while,” Axel replied, helping Nathaniel to the sofa.

“Axel will also been in your charge,” Lu smiled, before disappearing. Everyone stared at Axel.

“Hi, my name's Axel Peters and I'm a reaper,”
♠ ♠ ♠
As Promised... Part Two. Hope you guys like. :D