‹ Prequel: Dark Blood
Status: Currently on Hold

Heritage of Darkness

Vengeance University

Thomas' POV

So let me get this straight, you're a reaper?" I asked Axel

He nodded and flashed me a fang-filled grin

"Yeah, I collect souls for Lu. It's really funny how people react when I bring the scythe" He giggled

"Interesting story.... FOR LATER!!! We gotta help Nathaniel!' Aya cried as she and Scar used their powers to heal Nathaniel

"Ya know what? Nathaniel seems like a mouthful, I'm gonna call you Pounce for short" Aya grinned

Everyone had a confused look on their faces

"I lived in Australia before moving here," I just noticed her strong accent and mentally slapped myself for being stupid

"And in Aussie, we give people nicknames from any kind of action or story. Like I'm calling Nathaniel Pounce because whenever there's a butterfly around he would wiggle his tushy and pounce before batting the butterfly" Aya explained

"Okay, we're sticking with Pounce!" Scar agreed

"Don't look so lost Tommy, it's catch up to ya!" Aya grinned

"So... do we all have to go to school?" Pounce whined as the adults nodded

"Yes, we're putting you as Scar's cousins. So you would be Nathaniel and Axel Raath"

"Raath, nice" Axel smirked at Scar

"What are Aya and Connor's names?" Pounce asked

"Connor Marshall and Aya Cortese. Even though I am Asian I'm half Japanese and half Italian." Aya smiled

"Just hope we don't run into any jocks" Scar sighed

The next day

Huntington Beach High School

"Hey guys, that Mary bitch isn't here" Someone whispered to their friend

Aya, Scar and Connor gave small smirks

"Alright class, we have two new students today. Axel and Nathaniel Raath" The teacher announced

Nathaniel and Axel sat next to us so all was good

Later in lunch

"I'm so fuckin bored!!!!" Nathaniel whined

We all had history before and learned about the French Revolution

"Sure seeing all the blood and her head rolling down was awesome, but I didn't really need to relive it!!!" He sighed as Axel laughed

"You were alive then?!" I gasped as he nodded

"I am several hundred years old, not gonna tell you cuz it'll make me feel older" Pounced chuckled

Axel laughed and I felt my heart flutter a bit

Okay, I knew I was gay a looooong time ago

So yeah, this is normal

Except he was a reaper!

But I'm not normal either, so.... it's okay?

Well it all went well until some jumped up jock threatened Axel

"You think just because you're all new and shit means you can get all the girls?" The jock growled

Ever since Axel and Pounce came here, the girls fawned themselves around them

But Pounce had an eye on Scar, so he was too hung-over

But I don't know about Axel

Well before I get to mushy, all Axel did was punch the jock before walking away

Leaving all his fangirls squealing

Even me

After school

As soon as the bell rang, we all scrambled out of the class

As we walked out, two cars pulled up near where we were standing

The window went down and I saw Brian in one car and Zacky in the other

But they were using the disguise spell

Brian had the classic Cali tan and had blonde hair with gray eyes while Zacky had black hair with blue eyes

"Get in, Thomas we're going to your foster home to fully adopt you" Brian smiled

I fuckin love this day

Cuz it's the day I'm with my parents officially
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it!!!!!!
