The Past Is the Past


"what the hell?" jamie said as he grabbed his things and ran after bretagne.
"bree, wait up" jamie yelled as he ran so he could catch up to bretagne.

"i have to get home jamie, and its best if you just went back to yours" bretagne yelled back as she continued to run

Jamie speed up and caught up to he, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, since he caught her mid run she lost her balance and ended up crashing into his chest.

"What the hell is going on?" jamie asked looking straight into bretagnes eyes

Bretagne bit her lip as she looked away, but it was no use she could still feel his gaze on her

"i told you i have to get home like now" she whispered fiercely

"you didn't have to run out like the house was on fire or something " jamie stated right before bretagne pulled her arm free of his hold

"look i don't have time for this, just go back home and let me go back to mine"

jamie frowned and backed up a bit " okay i get it you need to get home, let me walk you" he said moving forward again.

This time bretagne was the one who moved back " I'm a big girl, i can walk home on my own" bretagne turned around and started walking away

"what did i do bree? why are you acting so cold all of a sudden?" jamie asked looking hurt

Bretagne stopped and turned around "What did you call me?"

Jamie looked confused "um... I... called you bree" he answered
"No one's called me bree since... " Bretagne let her sentence trail off as she remembered something that was in the past

"are you okay?" jamie asked, looking worried.
bretagne shook her head a couple of times "yeah I'm fine " she answered. The she turned to look at him, her eyes going back to look at him like if he was keeping her from something important

"look if we're done here, i really need to get home" bretagne turned her back to him for the third time that night and walked away.

this time jamie let her go. he was worried about her but he knew that if he kept pushing he was going to get nowhere. so he watched her walk away until he she turned the corner and he couldn't see her anymore, then he walked back home.

Once she turned the corner she fell to the floor and started crying. she wanted to trust him so bad but some were in her head there was a voice saying to be careful around him. after a couple of seconds she got up, wiped the tears away and started walking home.

"Bre...bretagne is that you?" her mother asked
"Yes mother its me " she answered
"well its about fucking time, were have you been all fucking day " she said slurring the words

bretagne wanted to yell back that it was none of her business but she knew that it would only make things worse for both of them, so she kept the anger to herself and walked to her room, once in there she locked herself in and broke down crying for what felt like the millionth time that day.

she tried so hard to keep it in but she couldn't, her crying started getting louder and louder and she started hiccuping and gasping for air.
she had to hold her breath and let it out slowly, she did that a couple of times before she was able to calm down.

"that bitch can still get to me " bretagne muttered as she started getting ready for a shower.
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Hope i didnt take to long to post up this new chapter. Let me know what you guys think