Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.

Separate Ways

March 15, 1961


I made it London alive, there are some trippy people in this college. I met this one bloke named David Gilmour, boy is he sexy. He’s supposedly old friends with Syd but you know I don’t recall ever seeing him around, maybe if I did I would’ve ended up with him instead of Roger. Because he’s so nice and cute, he’s taking me on a tour of the city tomorrow but I doubt I’ll date him or anything. Roger is a dweeb who happens to have nice muscles and great hair.

Your probably wondering why Roger is back to being a dweeb, the truth is that after you told us about Paris and all that me and Roger went off for a walk so we could talk a little more about the future. Most importantly we talked about our future together. We pretty much decided that we didn’t have one.

Turns out he wasn’t kidding about the band thing, he and Syd have been working on it for a couple of months but they’ve been hiding it from us. He’s pretty serious about it too, you know he’s going to school to be an architect but I can tell his real plan lies with the band. They don’t have a name yet.

Our ideas for the future seem to be totally different. He wants to be a musician and travel the world; I want to be a college professor with a little pink house and a yard full of kids. We decided it’d be best to go our separate ways. I’m totally heartbroken, I mean I am really depressed right now. I was really in love with him Cheryl, I guess maybe I should’ve expressed it more to him. It’s like you have that one person that you’re sure is ‘the one’ and they slide right through your hands. I don’t know what to do, my brain is telling me to move on but my heart is telling me just to lie in the corner and cry until I die (hey that rhymed!).

I hope you do what you want. If you want to go to Paris than please go to Paris, I want you to be happy. If you go to Paris maybe one day I can come visit you and you can finally cook for me! I’m gonna miss everyone a whole bunch and I’m sad that we’re all splitting up not, but to be honest I miss Roger more than anything.



PS. Give everyone a hug for me! Please keep in touch!

I read over the letter one last time before folding it up neatly an putting it in the envelope. I thought of the last night we all spent together and I wondered if that would be the last time we were all together in the same place. I hoped not. You never know what might happen.