Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.

Do You Want To Know a Secret?

I sat beside David and in front of Cheryl at the restaurant, Syd sat beside Cheryl and Roger sat on the other side of me. He didn’t speak to me, occasionally he would glance at me, he glared at me and David when David tilted my head up slightly and kissed me. I didn’t know what to say to him so I just talked to Cheryl, suddenly she asked us how we met. It was kind of an embarrassing story, but I told her anyway.

“I was at this really wild party and I was really stoned. I was supposed to hook up with this guy in his apartment, but I ended up passing out in front of David’s apartment-”

“I woke up the next morning and I hit her with the door, she jumped up like a little bunny.” David finishes, he was laughing slightly.

Roger looked angry, “You were hooking up with someone?” Everyone’s smiles dropped.

“Well, I was high. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing.” I tried to explain, he shook his head and left. Making sure to throw his chair down, I could feel tears threaten to escape.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” I mumble, Cheryl followed me through the restaurant.

I pulled some toilet paper out of a stall and began wiping my eyes, I wiped a little mascara that had smudged off my face.

“What was that all about? Why does he care anyway? It’s not like you’re a virgin or anything.” She rolled her eyes, I felt myself blush really bad. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice but it seemed she did.

“Wait…You’re not a virgin are you?” She stared at me with her eyes widened, I bit my lip.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I attempted to walk away but she grabbed my elbow, “Are you?”

I looked down, “Yeah, so?” I shrugged, blushing even worse than I was before.

“But you and Roger were together for like five years and you and David have been together for two. Surely you’ve had sex! I mean you’re almost twenty years old.”

“Cheryl, now think about it. When I lost my virginity who would be the first person I ever told?” I raise an eyebrow.


I nod, “Exactly, now did I ever call you and tell you or write you anything about it?”

She shook her head, “Why haven’t you?”

“Roger wanted to wait until we got married. We fooled around and I would try to change his mind. We’d get real close and I would get scared, then I’d stop. Can we just drop it now please?”

She nodded and we return to the group, we all head off towards the club. Roger, surprisingly, was there waiting on us.