Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.


I woke up the next morning on Cheryl's living room floor, she was using my back as a pillow, I was using David's arm, and David was using Cheryl's stomach. I'd imagined for Roger, who'd just invited himself in, it was quite a hilarious sight to see. He tugged gently at my hair, "Leave me alone Cheryl, I'm trying to sleep!" I moaned then turned me head to the side.

"It's Roger!" He says, I shoot up and Cheryl's head hits the floor. She stands up as if she was ready to kill Roger, in the process she stepped on David's hair and he yelled until she moved. I stood up and almost fell backwards on my ass, all while Roger is rolling on the floor laughing. I kicked him in the leg and disappear upstairs with Cheryl following me.

"I think you should go talk to him! You can't go off and get married to him without fixing these problems." Cheryl says as I plop down on the bed, really wishing for nothing more than to be able to go back to sleep.

"I know Cheryl, I just don't want to fight again. I hate fighting with him!"

She doesn't say anything for a long time, she just stares at the wall. I knew this game, she was going to give me the silent treatment until I went down there and talked to Roger. I tried to ignore the silence for as long as I could but after a while it was hard to ignore.

"Okay, fine, you win! I'll go talk to him!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air as I went out the door.

David went up the stairs just as I was going down them, so when I went to living room Roger and I were alone.

"I overreacted last night, I'm sorry." Roger says, showing the most humility I've ever seen in him. I couldn't help but forgive him.

"It's okay I guess. I just think we need to talk about these things if we plan on getting married." I see a tear run down his face, I was shocked.

"Nicole, when you left last night I thought I'd lost you again. I couldn't hardly stand it at all. I love you so much."

I didn't know what to say, I didn't have to say anything. From the top of the stairs I could hear David and Cheryl whispering.

"Are they kssing yet?"

"I don't know, I can't see!"

"Are they talking?"


"They better not have sex in my house again! I thought I was going to have to call in a preist!" Cheryl says, it makes me laugh a little bit. I walked up to Roger and hugged him, he held onto me tight and he took a deep breath as if he had forgotten the way I smelled.

"You always smell like the feild behind your mom's house."

"What's that mean? That I smell like grass?" I giggle, he shakes his head.

"No, wild flowers."

I smiled against his chest. We went home and spent the rest of the day in bed.