Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.

Die Young.

June 17th, 1963.

My dad let Syd borrow the car for our date. Dad really trusted him and liked that I was dating him. My mom was fond of him too, but I...was in love with Syd. Syd was amazing, loving, caring, understanding and absolutely loved me.

We headed to the drive in, in hopes of getting some alone time to...well, you get the picture. As we got there, Syd rolled up the windows and began making out with me. At one point, he decided to push me into the backseat and he began kissing me all over...

June 21st, 1963.

My period's late. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't believe it. I'm fucked. Seriously, why didn't Syd use protection like I asked him too.

If I'm pregnant, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.

June 26th, 1963.

I'm in my room, under all my blankets with a hot water bottle on my stomach. I have my period! Yes, but it's very horrible. I feel like shit. I haven't talked to Syd in weeks. I wonder what's wrong with him? He hasn't ignored me like this in ever.

July 1st, 1963.

Happy Canada Day! I figured I should be proud of my nation. Mom woke me up so that we could sing the national anthem. Also, we had bacon, eggs and pancakes with maple syrup. It was delicious.

Dad gave me some of his weed that he had saved from when he went on a business trip in B.C.

July 29th, 1963.

Fuck Syd! ...He got me pregnant. I have to do something about this. Nicole says she knows a way to get rid of it. I really hope it's not a stupid idea.

August 12th, 1963.

I can't believe I killed my own baby...How could I do this? I'm a fucking monster and a murderer. I'm so fucking naive.

I should be dead...