Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.


Later that day Tom and I made arrangements for him, me, and Cheryl to fly to the United States for Woodstock. Tom's sister, Annie, was a flight attendant so she could get us first class seats super cheap, his sister was really awesome and was convinced Tom and I were 'soul mates'. I wasn't sure about him being my 'soul mate', but I did love him despite my feelings for Roger. Being with Tom was easy, with Roger I would always have to be careful about everything I said because he had such a major temper. I could say almost anything to Tom and he usually understood.

"How many people are going?" Annie asked us as she prepared for her next flight.

"Only three," Tom answers.

"Okay, I'll see what's available when I get to work. Alot of people are flying to the U.S. for this festival so I can't promise that I can get you the earliest fligt, but I will do my best."

"Thank you, Annie," Tom says and gives her a hug before we leave.

As we walked down the street Tom held my hand, "So, what was Cheryl's trauma?"

I sighed, "Do you remember me and her telling you about Syd?"

"Yeah, yeah! He's the one she was with from the time you guys were just kids then he went kinda crazy on acid right?"

"Right," I nod,"well, she ran into him last night and it's got her all upset."

He nodded thoughtfully and I could tell he knew something but he wasn't saying, "That's not too bad is it?"

"He drugged her!"

We walked down the street and came close to our apartment, I had a class in a couple hours and he had to go to work about the same time so we figured we had a little more time to spend together. We dropped the subject until we got into our apartment building and Syd was sitting against our door. I couldn't even begin to think of how he could've gotten in, but when he saw us he stood up immediately.

"Hi there Nicole and guy I don't know," he says pleasently, seeming somewhat normal besides his messy hair and insanly eccentric clothing that I wouldn't even imagine him in.

"Hey, Syd!" I gave him a hug then introduced him to Tom, he shook his head.

"You know I always figured you and Roger would be married with a couple kids by now, but I guess I was wrong," he shrugs.

That's when I realized just how bad off he was, he didn't even remember that I had miscarried or run away to Italy even though my mom had told him all about it. He had even wrote me a letter while I was in Italy, but he didn't remember any of it. I had to keep myself from crying.