Sequel: Wish You Were Here.

Band on the Run.

Roxy Roller.

It was only a day away from the start of the festival. Early that morning, I had gone up to Elliot's parent's motel and asked Elliot if he wanted to have a breakfast picnic with me. We drove up to the market and bought fresh, ripe apples and plump, juicy oranges. We also bought some bacon, bread, eggs and some milk.

When we got back to the motel, we quickly prepared everything and sat out on the lawn to enjoy the heat and the food. Many people joined us, and we were delighted because we had made so much food.

I thought of what happened last night. Cheating on David wasn't really that much of a big deal. He would never know. I would swear with Nicole that we were never to speak of that night ever.

My thoughts changed when Roger Daltrey came out of his motel room, shirtless and stoned. He sat next to me and began eating. He chewed his food so delicately. Finally, he looked at me, smiled and stuck out his tongue; which still had half chewed food on it.

"Charming, really. That's a real way to get a girl." I said, giggling at what he had done.

He wiped his chin, licked whatever residue was on his hand, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. In a sleazy manner, he came close to my face. I could feel and hear his hot breath on my ear and neck.

"I really enjoyed last night. If you're not busy tonight, maybe we could do that all over again...except this time alone, hm?" he whispered softly.

I blushed instantly. Regrets and good thoughts raced in my mind. Would it really be a good idea to risk that all over again?

Nevertheless, I nodded and giggled...

...what was I getting myself into?