The God Forsaken Ones

The God Forsaken Ones

Harlow Temps has always lived a content life filled of unrequited crushes, track meets, trying to keep her grades up and her one true love- cheeseburgers. Her biggest issue is trying to get her teenage infatuation to notice her and not make a complete fool of herself during her high school career.

That is until she comes home one lazy afternoon only to find her dad's blood painting the tiled floors, eyes lifeless and skin cold.

It seems that's not the biggest shock, as she is immediately thrust into the world her dad had kept secret for so long- a world hidden in the shadows of the reality we like to believe is true. The secrets never brought to the light of day and blood spilled that we never know of.

The world that's been lurking just beyond our eyes, just beyond our reason.

T H E W O R L D O F V A M P I R E S.