Status: In progess

Wrong Thing At The Right Time? It's My World Baby, You Just Live In It

Last Sight Before, Lights Out

The music blared over their small, weak voices, as she tried to hide the fact she was close to crying for the hundredth time that night. Her name was Claire-Marie, she had grown up in that dinky small mid-western town since the day she was born 22 years go. The only reason she hadn’t left to go to some fancy rich college was cause she didn’t have the money to go, plus the guy she thought she’d marry and have a few kids with, would never dream of leaving. His family had lived here forever, but that was before… long before he had left for vacation and knocked up some random beautiful barmaid. The hope Claire had ever had of them being together had died the day he walked up to her at her job, not even four hours ago.
He strode into the little diner, as if he owned it. As he brushed his bed head styled hair out of his eyes, he scanned the room searching for her. When he finally spotted her, she was coming from the kitchen carrying three platters stacked high with all the fixings of an autumn dinner. After she had severed the little family in the corner of the restaurant, he joined her with a small peck on the lips. She questioned how his trip had gone, and what he was planning to do later. Only to be interrupted by him dragging her out the door, shouting to the cook that she’d be right back shortly.
After letting go of her hand when he thought they had walked far enough away, he began to pace and stomp back in forth, not entirely sure how to tell her he had cheated and broken all of her dreams. She watched him for a few minutes not sure what was going on but instantly knowing it had to be bad to get his to act this unusual. She had known him as the calm cool guy that never had to worry about anything; she had always been the one to freak out over nothing. So when he suddenly stopped at looked at her sharply, she wasn’t sure what to expect, until it was too late and the shock of the bomb he dropped knocked the wind out of her and make her drop to the ground like a rock. The only sound that could have been heard was the whooshing of the wind blowing cold bits of air between them.
She could barely look up at him as he walked away from her, all she could do was slowly rock and bite her lip to try and not let the weather freeze her shattered heart. She kneeled there for what seemed like an eternity, only to be cradled by the old cook, and carried back inside. Cook as he had been known had been like a father to her since her own father walked out of her life eleven years before, could not understand how Claire could wither up like this, what had Carter told her to make her have such a breakdown?
Not getting any answer from Claire he called her older sister Beth-Ann, to come and get her, maybe if she could rest then she’d come to terms with Carter breaking up with her, but before Cook could hang up the phone, Claire busted out as if the place was on fire, sprinting to get as far away as she could on her two stubby legs. The only thought she had as she ran was to find him. Maybe he was wrong, maybe it was a lie. All she knew was that she need to find him if it was the last thing she did, she was going to make sure it wasn’t accurate.