Status: For my best buddy Kelsey for her birthday because she is wonderful and deserves this! [Complete...I think.]

The Thin Line Between Vitality & Boredom

Uniquely Favorable


Michael’s accent thick and voice low as he stood near his leader, “Why Urie? Why not Smith or Carden?”

William had a playful smirk as he watched Brendon, “Because, he’s the most dependable and the further you’re up on the food chain the more reliable you need to be.”

Michael’s face held a scowl, “He’s a newborn Beckett.”

“That may be true, but look at him.”

The two stood tall as Brendon smiled as he ripped the human girl away from the other vampire as she screamed trying to fight off the two vampires. Brendon eyes wide with joy and excitement as he pushed her against the nearby car to hold her in place.

She continued to scream and fight Brendon off. Brendon took her hands holding them down by her sides in a dangerously tight force threatening to crush those small wrist bones. Though, he found it curious why she had stopped screaming. His head tilted to the side as he looked at her looking at him.

So much fear was radiating off of her it was almost like a heat wave or even a earthquake with her trembling and cowering like a beaten dog. Her heart rate was beating at her skin and Brendon could almost see the skin being forced away from the inner workings.

He didn’t understand, they always screamed. He didn’t like this, ever since he turned his first victim they screamed. She was only crying, trying to plead with him. There was a lack of something here for Brendon, this wasn’t right.

He growled with his nostrils flaring; she should be screaming.

He leaned forward sinking his fangs into her throat easily piercing the skin. He moaned into her knowing he bite around the fleshy artery here enjoying the rush of blood coming his way. He loved the arteries, always seemed to burst like biting into a juicy fruit from the mid summer harvest.

“There is a lot of rage in him Beckett.”

William half turned his head to glance at the vampire next to him, “If my memory suits me, Michael, you weren’t exactly pacifist when I turned you.”

Michael rolled his eyes, “How can you trust him so soon?”

William turned his body to face the other smirk plastered on his face, “Strike me.”

An eyebrow rose, “Pardon?”

“I said strike.” William stood tall, “Don’t go easy, I can deflect if need be. Now strike me.”

Michael wanted to question William but decided not to. He made a fist in his right hand and rose lifting his arm back to swing forward. He never got a chance to even attempt to strike his leader due to Brendon ripping himself way form the near lifeless human to tackle Michael, taking the vampire down to the ground.

Brendon’s back was arched, spine curved like a cat’s as he hovered over Michael pinning the vampire’s hands down to the tar road as he snarled down at the almost feared vampire. Brendon had his mouth parted, fangs barred with a hiss and what blood hadn’t been swallowed now falling away from his lips and down his chin then dripping onto Michael’s clothing. Again, Brendon’s nostrils flared like an angry white rhino and eyes wide with hatred ready to kill the vampire near threatening his creator. It wasn’t acceptable in his eyes.

“As you see Michael, he is well trained and is a good boy.” Michael didn’t dare respond almost afraid to provoke Brendon further, “Brendon, off. It is alright. I asked him to strike me. Come here.”

Brendon crawled off of Michael and slowly walked backwards towards William keeping his eyes on Michael almost making sure William was in no danger. He cleaned off his face by wiping it on his jacket sleeve and he eventually stopped next to William. William rested his hand on Brendon’s shoulder. Brendon looked over at William with a smile and then returned to his glare at Michael.

“Now don’t you see Michael, Brendon is a perfect choice to select as my right hand man. He can do no wrong.”

William pulled Brendon closer to him wrapping his arm around his shoulder half hugging the newborn vampire. Brendon nuzzled into his creator knowing that William was pleased with him and spoke softly, “May I go get another human?”

William looked down puzzled at how this vampire could still be so hungry, “How many have you had?”

Brendon looked down at the ground almost disappointed in himself, “Four.”

“Let’s go catch another shall we?” Brendon looked up at William and beamed already breaking away from his creator to find another.

William slowly walked behind the eager vampire leaving Michael to process the situation. William could hear his own shoes make light taps against the tarred road as he followed Brendon observing his other clan members devouring what prey that had been caught that night. It was a beautiful sight for William and even made his content feelings just bloom like a spring daisy.

It didn’t take long for Brendon to find another human, a teenage boy probably a few years younger then Brendon’s old human age. Brendon had wrestled the male against a store building and by the time William had made his way next to Brendon, Brendon’s tongue was licking across the boy’s neck trying to find that pulse and artery that he loved. He always was spot on and loved it.

He was about to sink his fangs in when he heard William with a light scowl, “Brendon! You know what I told you!”

Brendon pulled away and looked up at William afraid to be punished like a children that misbehaved, “I’m sorry William. I just…I just…Can’t help it. They always scream louder if I bite there and there is more blood.”

William shook his head, “No Brendon. When you feed you’re taking his life making it yours. You do not waste that blood. No wonder you’re so hungry. You waste so much.”

Brendon looked back at the male that had fainted against the building and looked at neck that was exposed badly wanting to bit in his favorite spot but not wanting to disappoint William. He felt another pang of guilt when William told him that he shouldn’t be so sloppy.

Brendon inwardly yelled at himself determined to please William. He leaned forward near the base of the artery and bit into the protruding vein sealing his lips around the wound like a suction cup taking in that precious blood. William let out a sound of approval and watched his latest creation learning.

William was proud of Brendon and wanted to nurture Brendon as if Brendon had been a child again. He’d never had such a loyal vampire as a part of the clan. Brendon was like a son and he wanted to explore this, test Brendon to make sure he wasn’t making a bad decision.

Brendon pulled away licking his lips looking at the now deceased boy and backed away letting the boy fall into a pile on the sidewalk. He looked over at William smiling and he beamed with his own pride knowing William was happy.

“Better Brendon. You still have a lot to learn, but better.”

Brendon shrugged disappointed, “He fainted, so no screams.”

William sighed looking down the street slowly making his way back to his clan, “Brendon, that isn’t the point. If the human screams then fine but not all will.”

Brendon nodded and started to follow William back towards the group of vampires finishing off their meals and gathering back together. William took his chance to ask Brendon about why he preferred his victims to scream.

“I like it.” Brendon kicked a rock away from the sidewalk, “I know I have control. They’re scared and they know they can’t do anything. It makes me happy to know that I have all the power.”

William didn’t even look over to Brendon this time, “Don’t get attached to your humans screaming, makes you power hungry Brendon. It’ll ruin you.”

Brendon nodding staring down at the sidewalk knowing ultimately William was right, “Yes sir.”

♠ ♠ ♠
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