Someone Like You


Luna Burns never wore anything "simple". Her flare made her who she was, so Justin wasn't surprised when she walked into the kitchen. He was leaned against the island, only in pajama pants and shirtless. Luna strolled in looking like a model. Her long blond hair had slight waves in while her feathers were in plain sight. Justin laugh softly to himself remembering when she first saw the feather extensions. She looked like a little girl at Christmas time.

Luna wore a pair of light was jeans, rips starting at the knees and making their way up to her pockets, but not showing to much skin. A black ribbon belt was wrapped around her waist, tying off on her right side into a bow. She wore a light yellow cami, then she had stolen one if his red v-necks, and had styled it to fall of her shoulder, showing him her tan skin. Her makeup was simple mascara and eyeliner making her eyes pop. For shoes, she wore her old navy black flip flops, since they lived in California.

"Well, doesn't someone look cute." Justin teased before pecking her on the forehead as hello. Justin loved the fact her towered over her, so she had to stand on her tippy toes to hug him. Luna giggled softly, before poking him on the chest.

"Go get ready, Justin. You have a interview in an hour." Justin nodded before leaving her standing in the kitchen to make her breakfast. a half an hour later, a freshly showered and dressed Justin appeared in the kitchen. He was wearing his favorite cargo shorts, with a black tee shirt and his black and red sneakers. He smelled of after shave and axe, making Luna get goosebumps. She loved that smell and she knew he did it just for her. He grabbed his wallet, black iphone and keys off the counter. She had been sitting at the island waiting with her large black coach bag and her white iphone sitting in front of her.

Justin had noticed she had gotten jewelry while he had been int he shower. In her ears she had simple silver studs for her cartilage piercings, then she had basic diamonds in her first, second and third holes. She had gotten all her friendship bracelets back onto her right wrist while his bracelet sat on her left wrist. It was a simple heart toggle bracelet, but on the heart it had her name and the date they became friends on it. It had been her birthday present when she was 16.

"Ready?" he asked as she hopped of the stool. She nodded and the two left the house, making there way to the garage. Justin's white hummer was parked next to her purple scion. They decided to take his hummer, and were soon inside the car. He opened the garage door, as they buckled up and soon they were on there way to the interview.


Justin and his mom were talking, while he got ready for the interview. Today he would be talking to Ellen Degeneres. Luna sat on one of the chairs backstage, playing with her phone, before she was interrupted by Justin's manger, Scooter.

"Luna, Justin we have a slight problem." he said looking at the 19 year old and 20 year old. Justin gave him a confused look, while Luna just waited for him to continue. Scooter sighed, before continuing.

"Fans think you guys are dating. And they love it. They love that your with Luna, she keeps you "grounded" according the press." Scooter said making both of them look at each other, Justin smirking and Luna blushing. Justin sighed.

"So do we let them think that or do you wanna be my pretend girlfriend?" Justin asked bending down to see Luna at eye level. Luna smiled, before pecking Justin on the cheek.

"Just call me girlfriend." She smiled.
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first chapter and left with a cliff hanger!
the next chapter will be the interview.