The Night When They Arose


The goose bumps on my arms and neck did not go away, even though the heat was cranked all the way.

I slammed my car door and ran inside.

“What’s the matter pumpkin?”

“Umm, nothing,” I panted as I ran by. I flew up the stairs and hid under my blanket.

A few minutes after, Travis walked into my room. “Knock knock, hey dad wanted me to check in on you baby sister.”

“Scary,” was all I could manage through my chattering teeth.

Travis ripped my blanket off of me. “Alice! What the hell happened to you, you’re as pale as a ghost!”

“Ha, that suits what I think I saw.”

“What do you think you saw Alice?” He sat down beside me.

“I think I saw a ghost.” I stuttered.

“Get real Alice.” He sighed.

I stared into his eyes, his face fell. I could tell he knew that I wasn’t kidding. “I’m I’m serious Trav!”I managed to say clearly.

“Okay, okay, shh it’ll be okay.” Travis made his way over and started to stroke my hair.

“Oh, Travis, I was so scared.” I pressed my face into his shoulder.

“Why what happened?”

“I don’t know.”

He pulled me back. “Its okay, you’re safe now.” He wiped away tears.

But was I would Lance come back to school tomorrow? Was I safe for tomorrow? Was I even safe for tonight? ― I was probably safe until tomorrow. Lance wouldn’t come back here.

All I could to was nod at my brother. “Do you think you’re going to be okay now?” He asked tensely. Once more I nodded. “Kay, supper is in ten minutes.”

“Okay,” I whispered. Travis got up from my bed and started towards my door. “Travis?”

“What is it kid sister?” He half turned to me as he reached the door.


He nodded, and then stepped out.

It took me ten minutes to recover fully. Then I went down stairs and had lunch with my incomplete family. After I headed straight to my room and tried to sleep, and that didn’t turn out too well. Every time I did fall asleep I had a nightmare and the remaining time from when I was awake, I ran over the nightmare, and also thought about after school.

I had the same reoccurring dream, a white face running towards a white light and me following after it; or away from the light. All of which scared me to death.

I woke up screaming, in a cold sweat. I stared at the alarm clock4:36 a.m. I huffed and tried to all asleep again, with no avail.

I watched the sunrise, another day at school was about to begin; and all I wanted to do was skip and try and recover.

“Alice?” Travis whispered as he knocked on my door.

“Travis?” My throat was so dry I squealed his name.

He opened my door, and poked his head in. “What is it kid sister?”

“Is there any way I don’t have to go to school today?” The words felt like sandpaper to my throat.

He searched my room. “Umm, I could just tell Dad that you’re not feeling well?”

My stomach churned, but I nodded anyways. Anything would be better than going to school.

Travis shut my door and went down stairs. Moments later I heard both Travis and Darren walk up the stairs. “Dad stop don’t bother her, she’s really tired she didn’t sleep at all last night!”

“Move aside son,”

“Dad, please don’t.”

My door opened. “What’s the matter sweetheart?”

I looked at my father, my eyes started to prickle. He rushed over to my side.

“What’s the matter honey? What happened?” His wide eyes scanned me over.

“I keep having nightmares.” I whispered. I was so scared.

“Its okay they’re not real.” He soothed.

Huh yeah no… They’re real. “Uh huh,” I shivered. He wouldn’t even understand if I told him.

“See Dad, she shouldn’t go to school today. Like seriously look at her eyes. She’ll be hoarded with questions. She should stay home.” Travis defended. I was grateful for him at that moment.

“You’re right Travis.” He spoke to me next. “Alice sweetheart Travis and I have to go in to Billings today they’re having a horse sale, and there are a couple of mares, and I wanted to go have look at. Will you be okay alone?”

I nodded. “Yeah I should be okay…”

“Get some rest sweetie.” He ducked in and kissed my forehead then left the room.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Travis asked.

“Mhmm. Thank you.” He nodded and left. That’s when I pulled my covers back over my head and hoped to drift off.

When I woke again it was noon, the sun shining brilliantly. And I felt rays of light flicker across my eyelids. And I knew I wasn’t alone.
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Hey guys, I rewrote some of this story so it wouldn't be a bad idea to go back and reread. And sorry for the two year delay. Please recommend!