A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I was changing to Sertraline.
I had no idea.

That might’ve had something to do with my falling asleep in Jon’s office.
Through no fault of my own.

I also had antibiotics for my infection.
From that stupid dirty knife.
It just wouldn’t clean.

I rolled over.
Pulled the duvet round my head.
Pressed it against my mouth.

Hot air gathered on my face.
I felt myself break into a sweat.
My breath through the duvet shortened.
I could barely pant.

My chest was tightening.
And I screwed up my face.
Colours started to dance with my eyes.
My stomach cramped and twisted.
I was going to be sick.


Oh, I was forever being called on.

I tried to ignore the shouting.
Held the duvet fast.
I pulled my legs up to my chest as they started to kick.
Blood began to thicken the air.
I didn’t move.

Spots rained down on my vision and I saw Brendon open the door.
He darted forward to grab the duvet.
And, for lack of a better term, everything went black.