A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I didn’t open my eyes.
I didn’t move.
Play dead.

The door banged open.
“Ryan. You’ll be late for school.”
I didn’t want to go.
I couldn’t sleep there.
They singled me out.

“Ryan, if you don’t get up this minute, I’m calling Jon.”
Like he’d do anything.
Increase my Sertraline perhaps.
I didn’t move.

I felt stupid at school.
I didn’t know anything.

However, mum didn’t know that.
And she wasn’t lying either.
She had the phone.

I sat up.
“Fine. I’ll go.”

We had PE today.
It was hardly like I could skip.
I had a ‘buddy’.

Not Brendon.
As I had asked very politely.
I hated him.

He treated me like I was five.
I was sixteen and depressed.
Not retarded.