A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I was sick of my name.
I was going to change it.
I was going to be Vladimir Kusov.
A physics prodigy from Ukraine.
I knew nothing of physics.

“Ryan - I hope you’re paying attention.”
I nodded.
Why not?
It didn’t matter what I said anymore.

“How’s things at home?”
Good question.
Mum was always at work.
I was either at school,
Or sleeping.

I shrugged.

Spencer cocked his head.
“You don’t know?”
I shook my head.

“I sleep too much.”
He winced.
“Any less than when you were on Trazodone?”
I shrugged again.
“Just, and you don’t have to consent, Ryan, but Jon and I were considering increasing your dosage.”
Was I not hopeless enough?

I’d spent two years on Trazodone.
In constant psychotherapy.
Two years.

With no effect.

Even switching to Sertraline.
I raised my eyebrows.
Spencer pushed across a list of side effects.
“It would be to 300mg - seeing as 150 isn’t really having an effect, perhaps this will be more beneficial.”
It was less rejection.
More ignorance.

My brain was ignoring drugs.
Stupid, worthless brain.

I looked up at Spencer.
“Might as well. It’s pointless anyway.”
He pulled a face.
A ‘caring’ face.

“Is that how you feel about treating your condition?”
Was that the wrong thing to say then?
I shrugged.

“Just change it. I don’t care.”

“Ryan. How do you really feel?”

I threw my hands in the air.
So patronising.

“I don’t know! Depressed?”
Oh gosh, that had tired me out.
I let my face rest in my hands.
Spencer brushed my arm.

“I’m gonna put the dosage up.”
I nodded.

“If it doesn’t work, Jon going to try and get you on the waiting list for electrotherapy.”
I nodded again.

I had just turned sixteen.
Normal kids didn’t need stupid electrotherapy.

“I’m sorry, Ryan. But I just don’t see anything else we can do.”