A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


Weight gain…
“Hyper-insomnia,” I interjected.
Brendon scanned the list.
Aka… Akathisia?”
I nodded.
“It means restlessness or something…”
He made a face.
“Umm… Headaches…
Suici- Ryan, this list is scary.”
I shrugged.
“It’s better than the last one.”

Jared swept past.
An elbow jabbed into my ribs.
Brendon reached out.
Just as well.
I fell sideways.

Jared laughed.
He oozed on by and Brendon tutted.
“Seriously, what’s his deal?!”

I shrugged.
I knew.
I just…
It was Jared.
If I mentioned to anyone what happened…
He would possibly kill me.

Brendon frowned, and slid another test tube into the wooden rack.
“Ryan - can you get the acid?”
I looked across the table and spotted a lone beaker.
I had no idea what kind of acid it contained.
It was corrosive though.
I flexed my hand.
I picked it up.

It kind of scared me.
Imagine if it spilled on my hand or something?
It wasn’t worth thinking about.

Brendon smiled and stretched forward to take it.
This was the last one.
We were nearly finished.
And I would be slightly more intelligent.
I gripped the beaker.

Brendon shuffled across.
Jared rushed past again.
Earning myself a pinch round the waist.

The world slowed down.

Brendon swore.
My fingers tightened.
And his eyes widened.
The glass beaker…
Well, imploded.

It shattered, springing away from my palm.

Blood flecked the table.
Pain and strong fucking acid flooded into my hand.
I heard myself howl.
Jared spun.
And I threw the glass at his face.