A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


To be fair,
I decided at the A&E.
Most of the beaker was stuck in my flesh.
It hadn’t burned like this in months.

Brendon squeezed my free hand.
It was a bit sweaty.
And I was tired.

Spencer was outside.
He seemed to be reasoning with a doctor.
My chemistry teacher was there too.
How quaint.

Jared was next door.
He got glass in his eye.
But not in his fucking hand.

The nurse smiled at me and continued to bandage my hand.

“It won’t leave much scarring - you’re lucky the acid was watered down.”
I didn’t really care.
They would match my arms.

Oh. I forgot.
Mum was here.

But they were all outside.
I only had Brendon.
And the nurse.
And a new box of antibiotics.
Different ones.

Brendon smiled sympathetically.
“Did you get a fright or something?”
I shrugged.

Jared fucking grabbed me.
Like I needed reminding.

Spencer came in.
He looked questioningly at Brendon.
I gave a curt nod.
Brendon was staying.
I hated them both.

He sat down.
He took a deep breath.
In your own time, Spencer.
No rush.
“I know you’ve just started school again, so it might just be you also readjusting to your new routine, but I am beginning to think that I may have been overreacting a bit by prescribing you to 300mg Sertraline.”
No shit.
He glanced outside.
“I discussed it with your mum and Dr. Trohman - who you just saw - and they both agree that your dose should be decreased to 200mg.”
I didn’t move.
My hand hurt.
Spencer studied me closely for a minute.

“Ryan - what happened?”
I shrugged.
He looked at Brendon instead.
I cursed.
Oh Brendon.

“I think… I think Ryan got a fright or something - someone touched his side and he… crushed the beaker.”
I liked that.
It made me sound strong.