A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


We got a cab home.
Me, Brendon, and mum.
Mum was panicking about the acid.

“What were you doing?!” she fretted.
I shrugged.
Brendon patted her shoulder reassuringly.
“It was a chemistry experiment. We had to see how well the… um…”
“Hydrochloric acid,” I grimaced.
His face lit up.
“Yeah - we had to see how well it eroded different materials. But there was a slight… accident.”
Mum shook her head disapprovingly.
Accident my ass.

“That’s it. I’m withdrawing you from chemistry experiments.”
I sighed.
My momentary high from holding Brendon’s hand was gone.
I didn’t really care.

“Is this is?” the driver called.
Mum thanked him and got out to find her purse.
I looked at Brendon.
He looked at me.
I made a face.

“I know you probably don’t care, Ryan,” he began.
I panicked.
Oh crap.
Serious talk.
He must’ve noticed.
His hand crept over mine and I curled it into the seat.
I had to get out.
Brendon shrugged.
“Fair enough Ryan. I won’t force you.”
Oh good. I wasn’t being forced.

Then he leant across.
His other hand on my jaw.
His lips to mine.

And suffice to say;
I found myself kissing him back.
His warm mouth to mine.
His wet breath to mine.
His sweet feelings… to mine.

Stupid Ryan.
Weak Ryan.
Worthless Ryan.

I broke away.
I couldn’t breath.
My face burned.

His eyebrows knitted together with concern and he ran his thumb across the torn skin on my bottom lip.
I pulled away.

And I watched Brendon get out the car.
He waved.

Mum opened the door on my side.
I didn’t move.

I cried.