A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I didn’t go to school the day after that.
Or the day after that.
Or even the day after that.
To be fair;
That day was Saturday.

I was hardly proactive in extracurricular activities.

Brendon had visited.
But every day I had hidden.

Not under the bed.
That was silly.

I could fit in the laundry basket.
Mum’s wardrobe.
Behind the shower curtain.

It was the most exercise I would get all day.
Getting up to hide.

Then mum would panic,
And Brendon would leave;
I went back to bed.

I went back to bed and slept.

I wasn’t even taking the Sertraline.
I was just tired.

Mum tried to speak.
I wanted to listen.

But I couldn’t do it anymore.
I’d worn myself out.

You can change.

But I couldn’t, I couldn’t.
I was so desperately lost, and I was drowning in tears, and deafened by sobs, and blinded by sadness. I was disappearing in darkness, and for some reason I couldn’t find my way out.
I just kept crawling further into this despair and I was dying and no one cared.