A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I was leaving for the airport in half an hour.
Mum had dismantled the bed.
And hidden the duvets.

I slept in the corner.

We were supposed to leave last week.
But there was a snow storm and the flights were cancelled.

Mum marched in.
Looked around.

“Ryan, where’s your suitcase?”
It was downstairs.
Spencer had taken it.

Did I mention that?
‘Call-me-Spencer’ was coming.
To see me ‘settle in’.

I stood up.

The floor didn’t seem to be doing my joints much good.

Mum waited until I had cracked every bone, then spoke.
“Be completely ready in ten minutes.”
I nodded.
I was going to sit in the garden.

It had snowed again.
Last week’s snow looked brand new again.

It was early December.
And it was cold.