A Physics Prodigy From Ukraine


I sat on the fence.
Brendon was at school.
Doing chemistry.

Jared was at school.

I’m sorry.
I never explained what happened.
Although, by Jared’s word, nothing ever did.

We’ve already confirmed I suck at chemistry.
And Jared…
Yeah, he’s decent enough.

I waded through the snow to the end of the garden where the huge oak tree sat.
I remembered climbing on it when I was little.

When my parents were still together.
When we were all one normal family.
When I was happy.

I crouched next to the tree and pulled my keys out my pocket.

J… I went over it several times.
Jared Leto…
A closet…
Ryan Ross.

I could’ve added ‘he tutored Ryan Ross’.
‘He kissed Ryan Ross’.
‘He was rejected by Ryan Ross’.
But I didn’t want to make the cheerleader’s jealous.
I heard approaching footsteps.