Status: Active

Blackout - Sasuke Uchiha

Blackout (01) Sasuke Uchiha

Waking up to the sound of the morning birds singing to the morning sun that was working its way through the window blinds of my lonely room. Showing it's light on my little stand my mother put in here when she was alive that had my parents and I's picture standing upright on it.
Sighing, I stared at the picture. I remember'd the moment it was taken, the morning my life was turn'd upside down, And the day the little girl in the picture died along with her family, and left behind this broken soul. The real Kira hasn't been seen since then, Just this mask of suffering and pain, now known as Kira.
- Flashback
Studing after school I looked over at the young boy I called my best friend, Sasuke Uchiha. His raven color'd hair hung in his eyes as he furiously studied. Eyes with determination lighting them, and a smile of hope on his face.I tried to study with him, but something inside of me felt uneasy, But i pushed it aside.
Forcing my eyes and brain to focus on the book infont of me, I studied.A flash of warmth touched my hand, and on reflex i jumped. " Kira.. Is everything okay? You seem a bit.. " A concern'd voice paused.. "jumpy." I glanced over and saw Sasuke looking at me, The determination in his eyes now faded, but relaced with worry.

-end flash back-

My face lifed into a slight smile, "Yes Sasuke-Kun, You worry wart. I'm fine." I said along with the little girl that was once me in my memory. I shook the memories away and stood up, "Mm.. Looks like im gonna be late." Noticing the time on the clock, I walked out the old wooden door. "Not like it matters, kakashi is always late."
Breathing in the fresh air, I felt the clusters of thoughts and feelings in my head slowly go away. I walked my path to the training grounds, no one but me and Sasuke knew about this path. We found it when we were younger playing around outside. Dragging my feet in the sand grains, I watched the clouds and the birds play in the sky.

"Sasuke, Sometimes I wish i was a bird, Well not just a bird.. a hawk." I said, Smiling up at the birds playing. Feeling a look on confusion laying on me. I glanced over at him laying next to me in the grass. "So I can fly above and watch over the ones I love, and let no danger near them." I answer'd even though noone asked, and silence follow'd but a comfortable silence. "Would.. you watch over me Kira?" Sasuke choked up, but he didn't look at me, For some reason he was looking away. I smiled. "Of course Sasuke, I'll always protect you even if it kills me." He still looked away silently, "..Does that mean you love me.. If you'll protect me? Like you said. "

Watching the birds still, I felt a twitch on my face. Eyes widening, I realized I was really.. Smiling smiling. Something I haven't done in a while. "Why.. Do I feel happy?" I shook it off, seeing the opening to the feild showing up I decided I would figure it out later.
There was a single tree always in our meeting area, I saw from a distance Naruto and Sakura aruging, And like every morning I'm guessing it's over something stupid. I never understood why, But Sakura hates me but she's a bitch so i don't really care, Naruto I don't have a problem with, He's pretty cool once you get to know him.Shifting my eyes to a spot by the tree, my once friend stood by the trunk staring down at the ground, we haven't really been the same since that day. We don't hate each other or anything, we just seem drifted apart now. I looked over him, He still looks the same just older now, just his eyes are diffrent like mine, they show pain. Pain that other people can't see.

The wind blew in my face as I walked to my spot, Beside Sasuke at the tree. I sat down and just stared off into the clouds and let my mind drift. My body was urging me to talk to my old friend, but I could never find anything to start off with. Silence didn't bother me though, Expecially if it was with Sasuke, our silences are never awkward feeling like most.

"-Kira, Hey Kira wake up!" A voice cooed in my mind, causing me to shift away from the unwanted sound. Eyes still closed I felt warm hands grasp me and shake me lightly. "Mm.. What..?" I opened my eyes slightly, Seeing a set of blue eyes I knew it was Naruto. I glanced away and looked up at the sky, It was orangeish color'd now and the clouds where all gone meaning it was about dark out. I looked back down seeing Naruto smiling at me, just inches from my face, Sasuke sitting beside me, looking straight ahead. Sakura was staring at Sasuke and talking so fast to him even though he wasn't listening to her, I didn't comprehend half of it but I heard a lot of 'Will you go out with me's and I love yous ' . I twitched, I wouldn't listen to her either if i was him.

"We could've went home a hour ago, but you didn't wanna wake up. Kakashi sensai never show'd. He was assign'd a mission and won't be back for a few days, now thanks to you some of me and Sasuke's alone time was taken away." Sakura said, Finally stopping her deserate cries for attention to sasuke.
I glanced over lazily to her, "Sorry Sakura, but some of us like beauty sleep, and by the size of the bags under your eyes.. looks like you should try it out. " A chuckle sound came from Sasuke's throat, triggering his famous smirk.Sakura glared daggers at me, Spoke with venom in her words " You know, you think you're all that and people should feel pity for you. Because your parents were mur-" Before I could blink or react, Sasuke moved as fast as lightning and threw her against a tree holding a kuni to her throat. "Finish your sentence, And i will cut your throat here and now. " He spoke with even more venom in his words it even scared me.. just a little bit.
I didn't notice when I got up, but i was now standing just inches behind Sasuke. My body trembling from the feeling of his anger, without thinking I reached out and put my hand on his back. He felt warm, but that's always been a Sasuke thing. "Sasuke, It's alright. Her words mean nothing, she's just pathetic." I said to him, I felt warmth leave my body, as his anger faded. He turned, eyes had anger in them, but with a bit of sadness and worry in Hidden them but I saw it.


"Yes, I'm okay Sasuke you worry wart." I said smiling, Even though my stomach was fighting and turning. His eyes still glemer'd with worry, "You can't lie to me." He paused, and stared at me for a second. " I know you to well, What is wrong Kira? Did someone hurt you?" I inhaled with defeat but still smiled, "You know, I'm lucky to have a friend like you, You care." This took him of gaurd for a moment, I noticed with the look of his face. "But nothings wrong, I just have a bad feeling that's all."

-end flash back-

My head started to pound, The world started to grow dark, and spin a little. I felt sick, and weak. My feet gave from underneath from me, I fell backwards. Only to be caught by warm hands. I couldn't see who, but I knew sasuke caught me. He feels diffrent from other people. "Kira!..Kira!...Kira... Ki..ra.." I heard a voice say my name, but everything turn'd darker and i couldn't respond to anything. My world was dark, and I feel alone.
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:3 hehe thanks for reading ^^ and sorry if its confusing D: