Status: Active

Blackout - Sasuke Uchiha

Blackout(02) Sasuke Uchiha

Childrens laughter filled my ears as I floated in the darkness. Trying to find the source I twisted my body around every way I looked, "Wh-what?" I coughed out, it the only sound my throat would let me make. On front of me a scene started to eat up the darkness I was floating in. A scene that I reconized even though it just now was starting to take form.


"Hey! Sasuke Waitfor me, yourfaster than me remember!"Ayoungerversion of me with shorter choppier hair yelled after her bestfriend running at full speed making the trees look like blurs of brown and greenas she passed. A few yards aheadyoungSasuke stopped at the edge of the forest. "Sorry!But I can't wait tonight, I gotta get home it's late out or mother's gonna kill me.. I'll walk home with you tomorrow Kira! It's a promise!" He Yelled back at the young girl chasing him like a cat chasing a mouse. Then Turning on his heel and jumpingrunningdown the patheven faster.

I ran all the way to the entrance to my Clan site, Just afew blocks from the Ramen shop and stoppedto catch that breath "That Sasuke, I swear. Hemakes me stay late with him to study and THEN leaves me when its dark out! I swear if he wasn't my best friend I would knock him tonext yea-" A chill ran upmy spine stopping my sentence midway, My clan site which was usual livly and always had someone moving around, was now dead silent and dead still. My feet started to run twords my house.I've had a bad feeling all day, and now this, Hopefully my bad feeling was wrong.

I ran past mygrampas house, not even seeing himrunning past at first. Until he shouted, "Kira! Get out of here, It's not safe! Don't go to the Uchiha Siteeither, They are in greatdanger as well, your parents are there helping them!" I didn't even have time to ask him what was going on before he dashed off twords my uncles restraunt.

Not wanting to disobey my Grandfather I left the site not knowing what to do, I couldn't go home, and I couldn't go to theUchiha Site. Then it hit me, "SASUKE!" He didn't know what was going on, or the danger he was walking into. "I Have to make sure he's okay." I turn'd on my heel and ran off to one of the places mygrandfathertoldme not to go to, The Uchiha clan site.

With greatspeed I made it there within minutes, I think that was the fastestI everhave ran, and I wasn't eventired one bit. Guess you're stronger and faster when in desperate need.My nosewrinbled as I smelt blood tainted air,and made myheart beat 5 times faster whenSasuke or my parents were no whereinsite.

Panicing I didn't know where to go, or begin to look. I was kinda scared of what I would find anyways, Would Ibe able to handle the sight ofmy parents and best friend dead infront of me? I started toweak to my knees"No, I got to do this!" I dashed off to whereSasuke's house is, That's where he said he was going. Got to make sure he's okay then I'll find my parents.
I ran past many dead bodies of people I once knew, but forced myself not to look. The bottoms of my feet matter'd with dirt and blood, I pushed myself forward. Seeing Sasuke's house getting closer and closer made my adrenaline make my legs run even faster.
The door was already open, and Sasuke's Shoes we're beside the door. He was already here. "Sasuke! Sasuke!" I called but was answer'd by silence. "Oh no.. Please no." I dashed around every room, But saw no sign of anyone. I reached the Last room of the house, and dashed through the door.

Infront of me where more bodies, I didn't see Sasukes but I saw his parents and beside then I saw .. "Mom.. Dad..? No.. This can't be." My heart felt like it broke into shred's but I forced myself to look away. "Sasuke!?" I saw my friends little body hunched over looking like he was in pain. I ran over to him, and held him. "Sasuke, Are you okay? What's wrong? What's happening?" I couldn't stop asking questions. Which wasn't like me, I was having a nervous breakdown.

"Ki..ra?" Hecoughed up,like he was confused."Kira." He now said with out the confusing, Grasping the fact I was here. "Kira! Kira get away, Run away he will kill you too!" He shouted at me, with worry and sadness filling up the darkness of his eyes. I didn't let go just stay'd hunched over him. "Who Sasuke? Who will kill me? What's going on-" A feeling of pressure hit the side of my face, witch sent me into the wall. Sight blurring I stared at the figure walking twords me. " Itachi.. You.. " My eyesight vanished as I felt my self go unconsious.
-End Flash back/Dream-

Still floating just out of the darkness, I felt sadness flash through me. I started talking to the only person I could at the moment, Myself. "Everytime I start to feel better I have this drea-" My ears perked up as I heard voices from the scene below. I never seen this part before, because I was unconsious at this point and woke up getting told my whole clan was slaughter'd along with the Uchiha's only me and Sasuke lived. "Hush up girl, and watch. Be grateful I'm letting you see this.." A demonic sounding voice came from the Darkness behind me, I didn't get scared of it, and did as I was told to do.


Itachi walked closer and closer to my unconsious body, And Sasuke used every ounce of strenght he could gather to make him self get up but was making very little progress. "Come on, Come on.. Move.. MOVE!" He yelled angerly at himself, as his body stood.

Itachi could tell his was now standing but continued to walk twords my limp body and was about a foot from me. Sasuke Darted inbetween us, with a kunai in his hand face full of anger and despair. " Leave her alone." He spoke with venom, much like he does now a days to most people with seriousness in his eyes, he got into a protective stance.

Itachi now looking pleased and amused, smirked at his younger brother. "Foolish brother.." He said lowly closing his eyes. Opening them revealing the mangekyou sharingan. Sasuke dropped to one knee struggling to stay awake. "N-No, not again. I can't let you hurt her too." He dropped to one knee glaring at his older brother.Itachi smirked a little, ""You've always wanted to surpass me. That's why I'm going to let you live…"He paused fora minute and glanced down at me for a second and back up at his younger brother."if you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me… "He smiled evily"and by all means flee, cling to your wretched life" and with that Itachi was gone. Sasuke gasping for air , looked over his bestfriend who was unconsious. "Im sorry.. Kira. I couldn't protect you from getting hurt or our parents, but I will get stronger.. and advenge themI promise." He fell forward and hit the floor right infront of me, Unconsious as well.
-End flash back/dream-

I blinked as the scene went away and left me in the darkness again , I never knew Sasuke protected me. "There's alot you don't know about Sasuke, You don't see what I see." The demonic voice spoke up again, I looked the way it came from and spoke calmly to it, "What do you mean, See what you see? I see him every day, and I know he feels the same sadness I do." I walked closer to the voice as I spoke.
"Yes, That is true. But you don't see the way he watches over you, or just plainly watches you when your not watching. He doesn't realize it , nor do you realize your true feelings either." I saw a gate form uphead and kept walking.
"What do you mean.. Realize our true feelings? .. We're best friends. We just don't talk as much anymore.." I said slowly, "And why is that?" I wanted to asnwer but I didn't know either, We just didn't. "I don't know.. But what do you mean?" I begged, The voice behind the cage chuckled, "All in due time,My pup. All in due time but right now I'm afraid our conversation is over, It's time for you to wake up." And with that the darkness and the cage started to dissapear.

Light blurr'd my vision as my eyes fluttered open. Surely enough I was in the hospital, I looked around the room. Not much has changed here since I've been here many years ago, I sat up a little bit and noticed some weight on the corner of my bed. I looked over at the source, and saw a sleeping figure. A litte startled I jumped a bit, getting a better glance at the figure. "Sasuke?" I whisper'd to myself and surely enough. It was.
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^^ Thanks for reading :D