Status: Active

Blackout - Sasuke Uchiha

Blackout (03) Sasuke Uchiha

I watched the sleeping figure, I came to realize was Sasuke sleep peacefully on the foot of my bed for what seem'd like a hour. I smiled, It made me feel relieved a bit to see he can still have the same peaceful look he always use to carry around when we where younger. I lean'd against the wall and watched the clock tick, I wasn't gonna wake Sasuke up. I didn't know how long he was here for or how much sleep he has had, Hell I don't even know how long I've been here.

I looked over at Sasuke again, He was still asleep and I was starting to feel agigty. I hated the hospital, It made me feel all weird. Signing, I got up. I was gonna go home, and if sasuke wanted to talk to me he would know where to find me. I got on the window seal, and glanced back and gave a smile, then jumped to the ground be low.

Like normally I walked home, dragging my feet in the sand and watched quietly as the people rushed to get where they were going. While some laughed and play'd, and some ran around just looking for something to do. The hidden leaf was always so full of life, much like my clan use to be. I guess this is as close to home as i can find right now.

I got home finally, and reached for the front door ready to walk in already. "And what do you think your doing?" A all to familiar voice, spoke from behind me. Dropping my hand I turn'd around, "Well Sasuke, I think I'm going home." I said, smirking a little at the tired looking boy standing infront of me. He glared a little, and grabbed my hand and started pulling me along with him. "Hey! Sasuke what do you think YOUR doing? Let me go , I wanna go home." I said angerly, He could of said something, but no he's just started dragging me somewhere. He stopped and turn'd around, "I AM taking you home, the home you where assign'd to cause you passed out from lack of food like a idiot, Now You have to live with me for a bit." My eyes widened , but I didn't fight back. I knew I wasn't eating right, I get depressed when im alone, and at my house I always seem to be. Maybe this was a good thing, I wouldnt be a lone, and I'd be able to get close to my bestfriend again, Hopefully. I missed having him always around. I let myself be dragged along.

Counting the glares I was recieving from girls as we walked to the Uchiha clan site , I got bored after 78 I looked over to Sasuke who looked agitated. "Geez, I think these girls want to kill me, they probably would if they knew I was gonna live with you." I stated still looking around, he closed there eyes. "They're all annoying, I hate every single one of them." He said looking over to me, I smirked "Even .. Saaaakkuurraa?" I teased him, He glared. "Don't even get me started. She's the most annoying of them all." He spat, I giggled lightly. "True true, She hates me. Always have since we were kids." I stuck my tounge out, This is the most playing around ive done in a while.

Before I knew it we were at his house, It didn't smell like blood anymore, but I still felt weary. Im guessing he felt my uneasy ness, cause he sigh'd. "Kira.. " He never finished his sentence, He just looked away. I didn't know what he was gonna say, So I guessed. "It's alright Sasuke."I said with a smile, and hugged him lightly. He stiffened even more, but relaxed. I'm guessing hes not used to my hugs anymore. I realeased him and walked in the door, taking my shoes off at the door to show respect.

I glanced around, Not much has changed from the few times i've been here. Same furiniture now clean'd same everything, Just.. His friendly mom and his nice-in-his-own-way dad. I looked back to see sasuke, fighting the sadness in his eyes as he walked through. 'He missed his mother..' I reached my hand and grabbed his, only thing i could think of doing. " Come on Sasuke, show me to my room." Was all i could think off to get his mind off of things, and tugged on his hand.

Nodding he lead the way, He hid the sadness in his eyes well, but not well enough I saw a glimmer of it, along with something else. Though I couldn't tell what. I felt sad for him, but how can I help him when I can't even help myself?I fallow'd him, twist and turns and I finally came to a room I reconized his room. I looked at it and smiled, We spent a lot of our time studing in there, and hiding from.. Itachiwhen playing childish games.

He stopped by his room, and looked at the room across from it, I fallowed his look and saw the room I use to stay in when I slept over. His father didn't like us sleeping in the same room, Even though we were kids. I shook my head remembering. "your stuff is already inside, I went and got it when I heard you where staying with me. " I nodded staring at the door, He chuckled at my blank face. "If you need me , I'll be making something to eat or taking a shower." He said walking off, waving his hand. I watched him for a second, He always walked with such grace it made me jealous.

Opening the door, I saw it has been cleaned of the dust. Sasuke's doing I'm guessing. All my furniture in my old room, and clothes were already here and put away exactly like my room was. Something caught my eye under the bed. I walked over and picked it up it read : 'Dear Sasuke, My bestfriend.' In my old hand writing. My eyes widened as I unfolded it A necklace fell out onto my lap, It was the uchiha symbol and the Yamiku symbol murged, I smiled and read what was said on it.

"Sasuke! I'm guessing you found this and are reading this.. So Hi! :D I Just wanted you to know, That I love having you as a bestfriend and that if you ever need me I'm hear. Also to answer your question you asked today, "Does that mean you love me to, Like you said?" I do love you, And always will, Witch means you can count on me to protect you with all I got, I'll always watch over you. Even if i Die. Oh, and I hope you like the necklace I made, I worked really hard on it, If you loose it. Your dead meat, Get that Buddy! (: Well ima stop writing now, Bye!
- Love your bestfriend Kira Yamiku , The hawk. "

Smiling I walked to Sasuke's room silently, Knocking on the door and pushed it open when I didn't hear a sound. I walked over to the table beside his bed and lay'd it down. I saw a picture and looked at it. Smiling even more, It was a picture of team 7. Sasuke looking away, Naruto glaring at Sasuke, Sakura smiling at sasuke, Me smiling a little at the camera and kakashi standing in the back smiling under his mask. Hearing feet coming up the hall way, I dashed back into the safety of my room and closed the door.

The foot steps stopped infront of the door. "Kira, Rice and cury is down stairs if you wanna eat." He paused fora second, I'm guessing waiting for a reply but he continued on. "I'm going to bed now, if anything happens come get me." He started to walk to his room. "Oh and kakashi wants us at the training grounds tomorrow, plan on waking up early. Get your beautysleep. "He chuckled a bit, as his doors closed.

Not feeling hungry, I lay'd down in the bed and looked around. 'Well this day wasn't expected but maybe it was for the best. I mean look at me, I'm already smiling more then I have in years..' I closed my eyes, and started to drift off into a slumber.
"To asnwer your question Sasuke, "Does that mean you love me, Like you said?I Do love you, And always will."


"Realize your true feelings."

was all i had time to think off, before I was asleep.
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^^ Thank youu