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Unexpected Turns

The Meeting

“Holy shit.” Eric muttered the first sound heard in at least two minutes. Natalie held on to my neck tightly and Nico wrapped his arms around my leg. Mrs. Staal covered her mouth with her hands like Tanya did and I could see the tears in her eyes. Mr. Staal was still in shock, but slowly coming out of it and realizing he was staring at his newest grandkids. Jordan was frozen and stared at me in disbelief. All of their teammates went home the previous day so it was only the family.

“Bring them here. I think I need to sit down.” Linda said and walked over to Jordan at the table. I crouched down and picked up Nico before I walked across the deck and to Linda. I set Nico on the table, and left Natalie in my arms. She still had a death grip around my neck. Nico smiled at everyone and waved at Jordan. Jordan was frozen and waved timidly back.

“What is going on Macy?” Eric asked. I sat down and moved Natalie so she was in my arms like I was cradling her.

“I didn’t get rid of them like everyone seems to think. I made the right decision and kept them. I have been a single mother for the last year and a half, but now I got a job here in the states and need some help.” I explained and tried to get Natalie out from hiding.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Linda asked and looked at Nico in amazement.

“I didn’t want to burden you guys and I was scared. You would have forced Marc into being something he didn’t want to be and I didn’t want that.” I said and finally Natalie sat in my lap and look around. She hated crowds and was very shy. Nico did all the talking and could speak very well for his young age. Natalie only knew a few words and let Nico say everything.

“Do they know who I am?” Linda whispered. I bit my lip and shook my head.

“Nico, do you remember when I told you about your daddy?” I asked. Nico’s head shot around so fast I was afraid he was going to get whip lash. He nodded vigoursly and I smiled.

“Good. I want to introduce you to his family. This is your Grandma Linda and that is your Grandpa Henry.” I said and pointed to them. Nico smiled brightly and waved. He loved meeting new people.

“Mama, who are they?” He asked and pointed to Eric, Jordan, and Jared. I smiled at Jordan who looked almost scared.

“Those are your uncles. Jordan, Jared, and Eric.” I explained and Jared grinned. Eric walked over and stood behind his mom. Jared walked right over and Nico gave him a high-five. Jordan stayed in place and stared at him like he was some kind of foreign object.

“Nico, how about you take your sister and go play on the swingset?” I asked and helped Nico off the table. I put Natalie down next to him and they ran off together. I took a deep breathe and looked around. Linda wiped the tears away and Henry sat down next to her. Tanya was holding Parker and smiling.

“Where did you get a job at?” Eric asked after a few moments of tense silence.

“Umm, Pittsburgh.” I said and looked over to Jordan. His mouth dropped and for the first time since I walked in, he showed another emotion besides shock.

“No.” He said and shook his head.

“Yes.” I replied with a grin. He ran over to me and pulled me into a big hug.

“Holy shit we are going to be living in the same place again!” He said and spun me around. I laughed and smiled. We were best friends and I really hurt him by taking off and never looking back. Just by him hugging me like that, I could tell he forgot everything and forgave me.

“Now Jordy, you can’t just bring her clubbing anymore. You have to think about the kids.” His dad said firmly with a smirk. He shrugged and put me back on the ground.

“So, are they going to be able to go to Pittsburgh?” Linda asked.

“Yes, I already went over everything with them. I just need to find a place to stay.” I replied and Jordan smirked.

“No you don’t.” He said and sat on the arm of my chair. I looked at him like he was crazy. “You are looking at the proud new owner of a four bedroom two bath apartment pent house in downtown Pittsburgh.” He said with a smirk and raised his eyebrows. “I bought it right before I left and it is a little big to live in by myself.” He finished and looked at me as if he just asked a question. I was in shock.

“If your asking me and my year and a half old twins to move into your apartment, I might have to think about it.” I replied and his smile fell.

“She is right Jor. You can’t bring babies into your life style.” His mom said.

“I can change! They are my niece and nephew. If changing means having them around I will.” He said defiantly and Eric raised an eyebrow.

“Macy what is your job?” He asked simply. I blushed and sunk into my seat.

“I’m a trainer for the Penguins.” I whispered. Everyone stared at me in shock for the twentieth time that evening. Jared dropped his can of beer and Eric started laughing. Everyone started laughing soon and I bit my lip, but smiled. It felt like normal. I was sitting with my family on the deck and hanging out. Nothing bad was happening and the drama was minimal. I was happy.

“You are coming to live with me. No exceptions. Nico and Natalie can live with us and I won’t bring girls home. I need to grow up.” Jordan borderline pleaded. I looked at him seriously and tried to find out if he was joking or serious. We were always the party kids growing up. We always said we were going to stop, but never did. He needed to keep his promise now that we had kids involved. They were the best thing to me and I couldn’t do anything without them.

“You don’t have anything for them.” I said. He shrugged and looked at me.

“Have them spend a weekend here to get to know everyone while we go to Pittsburgh and get everything ready. Then Tanya and Eric can stop in Pittsburgh on their way back down to Carolina with them. This way the apartment will be ready and you will be settled in and the twins will get to know everyone.” Jordan explained enthusiastically. I laughed and shook my head with a smile. He always had a plan and made them sound so easy. This time, his plan wasn’t all that easy. I couldn’t leave my one year old twins alone with people they have known for an hour.

“I can’t just leave them here. I trust you guys so much, but Natalie hasn’t spent one night away from me people she didn’t know since birth. I don’t know if she is ready for that.” I said and Jordan looked like he was thinking hard.

“Please May? Pretty please with a cherry on top? What are you going to do during the season? The only trainer that quit was Jake and Jake came to us from every game, home or away. You can’t bring them everywhere.” Jordan said and crossed his arms with a smirk.

“He has a point.” Jared said. I glared playfully at Jared before running a hand through my hair and saw Nico and Natalie come running back towards us.

“Ah-ah!” Natalie said. It was her attempt at Mama. I smiled instantly and scopped her up in my arms. Nico sat on my lap next to her and they both looked around.

“Hi mommy.” Nico said. “How long are we staying?” He asked quickly.

“I don’t know bud. For a little.” I said.

“Good. I like it here.” He said. Linda looked at them, then back at me.

“Can Natalie talk?” She asked, curious. I bit my lip and shook my head.

“Not really. She knows what you are saying, but can’t get the words out. Nico does all the talking for both of them. The doctors said it was just a phase, but I don’t know anymore. He is just so like smart. I know Jared was not this smart at 20 months.” I said. Linda nodded.

“Jared couldn’t talk until he was at least two and a half.” Linda said. Jordan started laughing and she glared at him. “Yet again, Jordan couldn’t form a sentence until he was three. I don’t know how many speech classes I put you in.” She said and he immediately shut up. I laughed a little at Linda’s ability to make quit comebacks with her kids.

“I’m sure they will be fine.” Henry said and tried to ignore his family. I nodded and ran a hand through Natalie’s curly red hair. It seemed as if Jordan had a light bulb light up in his head and he stood up abruptly. Henry scolded him almost immediately.

“Nico can stay here and Natalie can come with us. That way you can ease me into a baby living with us.” Jordan said with a goofy grin. I thought for a moment. Nico would have no problem with it. As long as Natalie was okay with it, I guess I was okay with it. Jordan was right when he said he needed to be eased into it. His plan started to become easier and easier in my mind. It could really work.

“Okay fine, Nico can stay with Henry and Linda for the weekend. Tanya and Eric can bring him to Pittsburgh in three days and by then everything has to be ready.” I said and Jordan was in shock for a few seconds, before shooting his whole 6’ 4” frame at me. He kissed my forehead and danced behind me. It was settled, I was moving in with Jordan.
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a litttle shorter than I wanted, but its an update! please comment on how you think the meeting went. i love hearing your feedback. more comment= faster updates!!