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Unexpected Turns

Welcome Home

The next few hours were hectic. I put Nico and Natalie down for a nap as I repacked my bags and Jordan booked us a flight. It was the riskiest thing I had done in almost two years. Nico loved the idea of staying with the Staal’s and spending more time with Parker. Natalie didn’t fight the decision and just made sure I packed her blankey. Jordan booked a flight for the middle of the night, so we would arrive in Pittsburgh very early. Natalie was able to sleep a few hours before waking up on a plane. She was confused at first, but calmed down when she saw we were in a plane and watched the ground pass by. Jordan let her stand on his lap and look out the window.

“So, is everything okay with Natalie?” Jordan asked timidly. I sighed and shrugged.

“The doctors said everything was fine. She is just developing slower then other kids her age. It only seems worse than it is because Nico is so smart. She is 27 inches tall and only weighs 18 pounds so that could be a problem, but nothing is bad right now.” I said and looked at her. Jordan kept a hand on her back so she didn’t fall and she stood on the seat. Her head was the only thing over the bottom of the window. In reality she was small, too small. Nico was normal and healthy. The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her besides her size. I wanted to live in the moment and not worry about her having a problem. I needed to make sure we were okay first.

“I just need to make sure every one is okay.” Jordan said and squeezed my hand. I smiled in return and nodded. Jordan cared about me like I was his own blood. We tried the whole dating thing, but it didn’t work. It never will. He is my older brother. No matter what, we will take care of each other.

The plane landed in Pittsburgh at 5 in the morning and the place was deserted. Only a handful of people were at each gate and no one recognized Jordan. I easily carried Natalie and my bag through the airport, while Jordan was forced to carry the bright pink and purple Disney princess duffel bag. Once we made it out of the airport, Jordan led us to the side parking lot in to a black Range Rover. I assumed it was his until I opened the shot gun door, and two heads were staring right back at me.

“Hello there.” The driver said with a smirk. Natalie immediately hid behind my neck and Jordan came up behind me.

“Hey guys this is Macy and Natalie. Macy and Natalie, this is Tyler and Kris.” Jordan explained and pulled me into the backseat.

“Sorry we don’t ‘ave a car seat.” Kris said with a sexy French accent. I just shrugged and held Natalie. Jordan started talking to the guys about the upcoming season, and I just listened and watched the buildings pass as we entered Pittsburgh.

“Macy, We have to be at the rink in like two hours, can you make it with out sleep?” Jordan asked with an innocent smile.

“Just stop at Sheetz and get me a Monster.”

Tyler drove us to the rink early and we were the only people there. The place was deserted and Jordan showed me around so I knew where I was going in the next couple of weeks. By 7, people started showing up. Dan Bylsma came, and was followed by Sidney Crosby. No one noticed me until Jordan swung Natalie in the air and she screamed. Sidney whipped his head around so fast I thought his concussion was going to come back.

“What the hell Staalsy? I thought you were smarter than that.” Sidney said. Jordan froze with Natalie in his arms and started at him blankly. I burst out laughing along with Tyler and Kris. Jordan looked scared and set Nat on the floor.

“Its not mine.” He said and took a step back. Sidney gave him a questioning look before I stood up and picked her up.

“She is mine and has no relation to Jordan.” I said and she didn’t hide behind my neck for once. She was comfortable with Jordan and starting to act like herself around Kris and Tyler. Sidney relaxed all the way and ran a hand through his hair.

“Sorry about that. He was just holding a kid that looked like him and I assumed.” Sidney said and looked between us. I laughed and shook my head.

“I wouldn’t put it past him, but he doesn’t have a kid, surprisingly.” I smirked and Jordan smacked my arm. Everyone laughed and Dan looked at me.

“Macy Adams right? The new trainer?” He asked slowly. I smiled and nodded.

“Hello, I know I’m not supposed to be here for a few days, but I came early with Jordan. I hope you don’t mind.” I said. He shook his head and walked over.

“Hey its fine. This way you can meet the guys a few at a time.” He said happyily and greeted everyone else. “When ever you are done here, go up the Shero’s office and tell him you are here early.” He said and walked away and into his office. The guys set into an easy conversation and I just listened quietly. Natalie fell asleep on the floor and I almost fell asleep leaning against Jordan’s leg.

Five hours later, I found myself leaving the rink and on my way to the mall. We bought everything we could think of and recruited the guys who were in Pittsburgh already to help. By that night at 8, we had two cribs, a changing table, my bed, two dressers, a desk, and a book shelf set up in the apartment. I just had to empty out clothes that my mom was sending to Pittsburgh. Natalie fell asleep as soon as she hit her new bed and I was thankful that she slept through the whole night. Jordan was standing in the kitchen, making some grilled cheese.

“I love you.” I stated as he set a plate in front of me. He laughed softly and we ate in silence. When we were done, we set the plates down in the sink and moved to the living room. I sat next to Jordan and leaned against him. We sat in silence, the only sound coming from the latest episode of Jersey Shore, for a few minutes before he started talking.

“Why?” He asked quietlty.

“Why what?” I replied.

“Why didn’t you tell me. I could of hid you, I can still hide you if you don’t want him to know.” Jordan said. I sighed and shrugged.

“If he finds out, he finds out. I can’t keep them a secret forever.” I whispered. I didn’t want to tell Marc yet. The argument at Jordan’s in Thunder Bay was almost too much. I didn’t want to know his reaction to Nico and Natalie. Marc would be mad and I didn’t want to face the fact that he might not want them.

“Well, you won’t have to worry about it for another three months. We don’t play the Rangers until the end of November.” Jordan said. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked again.

“How could I? Your family was crushed when they found out I broke everything off. Then you found out I could be pregnant and I still left? I couldn’t face you. It was too hard.” I tried to explain and he pulled me into his arms. We stayed in silence for the rest of the night. His breathing eventually evened out and he fell asleep easily. I laid perfectly still thinking over every single decision I had made the last two years over and over. Eventually the feeling of sleep took over my body and put the nagging thoughts to sleep.

The rest of the weekend was hectic. Eric stopped by and dropped off Nico. The rest of the team came into town and I was introduced to them one by one. Jordan brought me to a different player’s house almost every night to get to know everyone. Natalie was by my side the whole time and Nico was his normal social self. He got along with everyone’s kids and everyone immediately fell in love with them both. All of the girlfriends were mostly nice, at least the long term ones. One of the wives took an interest in me and my kids. Her name is Michelle Cooke and remembers being in my shoes once.

She had a daughter, Gabby, when she was 22 with her boyfriend, but it didn’t last. No one knew about Marc, so it was assumed I was the same way. We talked a lot the first few weeks and I trusted her with the twins when I had to go into the rink. Nico got along with her son and Natalie just loved Gabby. Jordan made the decision for me and asked the Cooke’s if the twins could stay with them while we were on road trips. Michelle quickly agreed and set everything up with me. I could finally breathe when it came to them in good hands. I walked into my office and saw Geno and Kris sitting on the tables right before we left for the very first road trip.

“What’s up guys?” I asked as I flipped through some papers.

“Knee.” Geno said and I looked at them. He wanted to play so bad, but I had no idea if I could let him.

“Head.” Kris said lowly and I noticed he had a hat pulled low and his eyes were shut. His migraines were back and I had no idea how to stop them. The head confused me. I could deal with anything else, but heads. Sidney had no help from me with his concussion, and I tried to help Kris the best I could.

“Did you take the meds?” I asked him and felt his forehead for a fever. Kris would probably freak out if I told him he couldn’t play with migraines. He shook his head slowly and I walked to get the pills for him and ice for Geno. I fixed them both the best I could before we all took off for the airport. It was the first road trip, and a week and a half long. I needed a long trip to get used to being away from Nico and Natalie for so long. The staff usually sits in the front of the plane with the staff, so I sat next to one of my assistants, Michael. Before we could start a conversation, Jordan and Kris appeared next to my seat.

“What are you doing?” Jordan asked and leaned against the seat in front of us. I shrugged and scrolled through Facebook on my Iphone.

“Sitting and on Facebook. I was about to start a conversation, when you rudely interrupted me.” I replied without my eyes leaving the screen. Jordan rolled his eyes at my smartass answer and grabbed my phone. My slow reflexes could grab it quick enough and Kris had my bag in his hand before I even realized it wasn’t on the group next to me.

“Kris is a sneaky bastard I know.” Jordan said with a smirk when I glared at Kris. Dan seemed to pop up out of no where before I could reply.

“Go sit with the team boys. Macy is sitting up here with her co-workers. You can see her after you get off the plane.” He said in a no nonsense tone, but was smiling. The boys nodded and started walking back to their seats.

“Give me my bag back Letang!” I yelled when I noticed he still had it. Kris kept walking through the curtain, to his side of the plane with the bag firmly in his hand. “There are tampons and birth control in there!” I yelled and the whole plane went silent. Next thing I knew, my backpack came flying through the curtain and skidded to a halt next to my seat. I yelled back a sweet thank you and got a few groans in reply.

“Keep them under control Strom.” Tony Granato said with a smirk and I just shrugged in response. We were undisturbed the rest of the trip and I had a conversation with Michael on the team and how road trips worked. By the time we landed, 7 hours later, in Vancouver, I was tired and was in no mood to be messed with, especially by a certain 6 foot 4 blonde. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I was ambushed by the guys.

“So, I heard everyone thought you were a guy until 5th grade when your sisters made you wear a dress to school.” A very brave Tyler Kennedy said. The guys started laughing and Jordan was trying to cover it by hiding behind everyone. I shook my head and turned around. Jordan would tell them stories of our childhood on the first plane ride. I seemed to be the main source of locker room gossip, and Jordan was the main hub.

“Did you know I had to teach Jordan how to skate when we were 6 because he was scared his older brothers would hurt him if he ever got on the ice?” I asked with a smirk and everyone yelled burn! I walked to the bus with a smirk on my face and Jordan had a scowl as he passed me to get on a different bus. I was filled with satisfaction as we pulled into the hotel. Room assignments were given out and I was by myself on the same floor as the rest of the staff.

“Macy, your room is directly above ours!” Geno yelled with a goofy grin. I smiled back and gave him a thumbs up before grabbing my bags and walking towards the elevator. I rode up with a few of the equipment guys and they were very friendly. My room was on the fourth floor and I had a huge king bed. The first thing I did was drop my bags and launch my small body onto the extremely soft bed and start jumping up and down. I was having fun and started blasting music from my Iphone. My bags were left untouched in a pile by the door for the rest of the night.

Jordan called me and dragged me down to the room he shared with Tyler. When I wlaked in, at least half of the team was sitting on the beds and floor. I sat next to Derek Engelland on the floor and gracefully took the pillow Jordan threw at me. Instead of leaning against the pillow, I sat on it to try to be as tall as Derek. His 6’ 2” large fram towered over me. I lined up our hips and my foot reached about three inches below his knee.

“What are you doing?” He asked and Jordan started bursting out laughing. I glared at him and grabbed my toes.

“You are short.” Derek stated, them tightened his abs before I slapped him. The restof the night went on with the guys making short jokes and he firing comebacks. Finally by 10, Dan came knocking on the door and kicked us all out. I rode the elevator up with him and started dancing along with the music.

“You do a good job of keeping the boys in line.” Dan said after laughing. I smiled and nodded.

“None of them are worse than Jordan. I grew up with him and his brothers and my 4 siblings so I’m used to it. Do you care that I hang out with them like that?” I asked, suddenly aware that it might not be professional to call the players fat and swear words.

“No it is fine. You are their age and can relate to them. As long as it doesn’t affect your job or their
playing ability.” Dan replied when the doors opened. I let out a sigh of relief and opened the door to my room after saying goodbye.

My room was the exact same as Jordan’s, only darker and lonelier. I quickly changed and got into my bed before turning on a movie on HBO. It was hard to fall asleep. My room scared me and scenes from a CSI episode I watched a few days before kept coming through my mind. By 2 I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed a hoodie and my room key before walking out of my room and down a floor to Jordan’s room. I knocked softly and a few moments the door opened with a shirtless Jordan behind it. He let me in and closed the door with out saying anything. After he climbed in his bed, I followed and pulled my legs up to my chest and leaned against Jordan’s back. I fell asleep a few minutes later and never woke up until the morning.

I woke up to a click of a camera and some muffled laughter. I felt Jordan move slightly. I was still curled up in a ball, but instead of being against his back, his arm was across my side and he was on his stomach.I opened my eyes slowly and saw Kris, Tyler, and Geno standing at the foot f the bed.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Are you wearing clothes?” Tyler asked.

“No. Me and Jordan sexiled you last night. I don’t know if I will be able to walk today.” I replied sarcastically and Jordan started laughing. He turned around and pulled me into his lap.

“I wish.” He replied.

“You guys are very close. How do we know the twins aren’t his?” Geno asked boldly.

“Jordan hasn’t gotten past third base with me.” I replied before getting off his lap and bed. I put on a pair of his sweat pants. Jordan shook his head at my answer and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

“How far was third base?” Kris asked. I just shrugged.

“Is there breakfast?” I asked and put my hands on my stomache.

“You’re a fatty.” Jordan stated and whipped a pillow at me. The rest of the day went on, the guys had practice and a game before we jumped back on the plane and flew to Calgary. After Calgary we went to Edmonton. The raodtrip was deemed a success, the boys getting 5 out of 6 available points. We flew home in the middle of the night, anxious to get him to everyone. When we landed, I got into my car and followed Matt home. I missed my kids.
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maybe another update by monday? i am feeling some inspiration from the upcoming New york game. anyone else ready form some staal vs. staal action?? as always comment pleaseee!!