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Unexpected Turns


It was a month later until I was forced to see him again. The boys played amazing throughout November and Sidney was cleared to play. My worries of seeing Marc were finally put to the back of my mind for one week when Sid started playing again. There was so much hype, guys would come and hide in my office and the training room. Jordan did a great job of keeping my mind off the upcoming four-game road-trip, including New York. None of the guys knew about Marc. I was able to keep it a secret for the whole season and no one asked.

We easily sailed through the Montreal game, winning 3-1. Crosby and Tanger scored so a celebration was in order on the way to New York. I sat with the team for awhile, with all expectation of making it back to my seat. One hour into the 3 hour flight, I fell asleep on Jordan’s shoulder.

“Mace!” Jordan whispered in my ear and shook my arm. My lifeless body started to move again and I looked out the window, only to find the skyline of the city I once loved. Hence the ‘once loved’ part. My stomach started hurting and it felt like there where porcupines, not butterflies in it.

“I can’t do this.” I whispered. Jordan just smiled and shook his head.

“Yes you can. Besides, I have a surprise.” He said.

“What is it?” I asked. He just shrugged. “Jordan Lee Staal, you tell me right now or I swear to god I will tell coach you have a concussion from face planting yesterday.” I threatened. An immediate ‘ohhh’ washed through the cabin and almost every head turned and looked our way.

“Now Macy, concussions are no laughing matter.” Tyler said in a smart-ass voice.

“I believe you owe Jordan an apology. There is no need to bring something so hurtful into what ever you are fighting about.” Kris finished with a smirk that would make any girls panties wet. Thankfully I had a thing for gingers, or I would have already been another notch in his bedpost.

“What are you two fighting about now?” Cooke asked from the front of the plane.

“Jordan has a surprise for me and won’t tell me what it is.” I said.

“Then it would be no surprise.” Geno said from behind me. I glared at him, then Jordan.

“Okay its good to see everyone up and those two fighting as soon as they get up.” Tony Granato said, coming out of no where. Every let out a short laugh and turned their attention to him.

“We have a game in less than 42 hours. I want no partying, and no going out unless it is okayed my one of the coaches or Sid. Go to the hotel and get settled in. Their will be a meeting after breakfast.” He said and walked back to his seat with a smile.

The team did as they were told and there was minimal fighting between Jordan and I and the rest of the team. I stepped into the hotel beside Duppers, talking about New York Bagels, when I heard a little scream. I knew that little scream like I had been hearing it since I was born. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Natalie fly through the air in Geno’s arms and Nico pretend to fight Deryk. On a couch in the lobby was Henry and Linda.

“Macy.” Mrs. Staal said when she saw me and walked over to give me a hug. I smiled and embraced her like I hadn’t seen her in months, which was true. “Its good to see you and Jordan haven’t killed each other yet.” She said and stared Jordan down.

“We’ve tried a couple of times.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah did you know she could breathe under water?” Jordan said with a smirk and cringed when I hit him with my back pack.

“Mama!” Nico yelled and ran across the room as fast as he could. Natalie attempted to yell the same thing and run over, but she fell a few steps in. Geno took her hand and jogged across the lobby with her, catching her multiple times. I kneeled down and gave them both a hug.

“Jordan, Macy. Go get cleaned up. We are going out to breakfast with your brother. The twins are coming.” Linda said in a no nonsense tone. I took a step back and stared at her. “Don’t think I have no idea about your run in with Marc. He called Eric on his way to the airport and Eric called me. I know your fight word for word. If you won’t let Marc see his kids, I will take my grandkids to see him.” She stated and pointed to the elevator. Jordan pulled me up from the ground and pulled me out of the lobby. Most of the team was getting their keys and listened to the crazy Staal family fight. They all knew my secret now.

To say there faces were confused and shocked would be an understatement. Sidney looked like he was just told the codes to set off nuclear bombs. Matt looked almost disappointed and Kris looked confused. Geno was probably the only one unaffected by the news.

“Like you no see that one coming. Nat is mini-me of Marc.” He stated as the elevator doors shut and Jordan run his hands through his blonde hair ruffly.

“I told them to stay out of it.” He said from behind his hands.

“Its fine. I will be civil at dinner, but as soon as we are away from the twins I will chew Marc’s ass out.” I said and stormed to his room. I changed in the bathroom while Jordan watched tv. Fifteen minutes later, Tyler came in the room and refused to look at me. I sighed and grabbed my coat off the bed before heading downstairs with Jordan right behind me.

“Don’t look so mad Macy.” Linda said and walked out of the hotel in front of everyone. Henry gave me an apologetic smile and squeezed my arm before following his wife out the door. Jordan hooked arms with me and we followed them into the cool November air. It was unusually warm, high 50s, and the sun was shining. We walked a few blocks to a small bistro. Natalie and Nico were holding hands with their grandparents as we were led to a small table in the back. Marc was already sitting their, by himself, and I tried to take a seat on the opposite side. Linda gave me a look and Jordan pulled me to the other end. After I put the twins in high chairs on both sides of me, I sat down.

Marc was right across from me with Jordan and his dad on one side and his mother on the other. I looked at the menu in silence and Nico just sat their waiting for someone to make the first attempt at conversation.

“So Macy, how is working with the team?” Mr. Staal broke the ice. I smiled politely and shrugged.

“Its like living in your house with 22 guys and having to take care of them instead of being one of them.” I replied with a smirk. Jordan softly laughed and shook his head.

“What is the craziest thing you have done this season?” Linda asked.

“Oh, I filled Jordan’s hockey bag with packing peanuts, condoms, and bras.” I said with an even bigger smirk. Jordan started bursting out laughing at that and Mr. Staal had trouble keeping his face serious. Marc rolled his eyes and Linda just sighed at my childness.

“How have they been?” Marc asked.

“Fine.” I replied shortly and smiled fakely. I saw Nico roll his eyes dramatically out of the corner of my eye.

“We are great. Michelle taught us how to write our names and how to color in the lines. Natalie can almost walk across our room by herself and Kris helped us bake cookies.” Nico summed up the last two weeks.

“Ay er od!” Natalie exclaimed and clapped her hands together. Marc looked at her curiously and then to me.

“They were good.” I said and he nodded. He didn’t understand Natalie. He thought his kids were totally fine. He thought they were normal two year old twins, but they weren’t. My kids were anything but normal. They lived with another family for two nights every week, don’t have a bed time or rules, and think their family is the whole team. They look at Kris as their uncle and almost a father figure.

“Macy, we were thinking Marc could hang out with the twins today, just them.” Linda said. I immediately shook my head no and took a drink. They were not going to spend anytime with Marc.

“Why not Macy?” Marc asked, almost sounding defeated. I finally took a good look at him and noticed his face looked almost sad and different. His normal light green eyes were filled with hurt and remorse. He looked like he was beat down and needed someone to help him back up. Everyone was expecting that to be me. Marc wanted to be a father; he wanted to make the past right. I could see it.

“I have to be there. I want to be by your side at all times while you are with them.” I said quickly. “And Lindsey can not be there.” I finished. Jordan and Linda rolled their eyes in sync and Henry just laughed. He shared the same hate towards Lindsey that I had, only on a smaller scale.

“Deal.” Marc said immediately. He looked like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. “Oh, and you are sitting in the box with me tomarrow. I want to watch the game with them.” Marc added with a smirk. I just glared at him and tried to fight back.

“Yay! We get to watch game with you!” Nico said and clapped his hands. Natalie made some type of yell and tried to clap her hands too. The rest of the breakfast went some what smoothly. I bickered with Jordan and gave Marc the silent treatment. An hour later, we got out of the restaurant. Nico was holding my hand and Natalie was on my hip as usual.

“This way.” Marc said and pulled me in the opposite direction of everyone else.

“Isn’t your apartment in SoHo? Why are we heading towards Manhattan?” I asked. Marc picked Nico up so he didn’t get lost in the seas of people and pulled his hat farther over his eyes. He shrugged at my question and grabbed my hand as we crossed the busy street and over to a large apartment building.

“Where are we Mommy?” Nico asked.

“I don’t know baby. We are following Marc.” I replied. We followed him in the building, and to the top floor. There were only two doors, one at the end of each hallway.

“Avery! Callahan! Come out!” Marc yelled. Both doors flew open and the heads of two hockey players stuck out.

“You hiding from Bridezilla?” Sean asked then looked at me and smirked, not noticing the two-year olds in our arms.

“Shit Marc, you weren’t kidding.” Ryan said and stepped fully out of the door, wearing nothing but pajama bottoms. I tried to keep from staring at his abs and Natalie squirmed to get down. Marc walked towards his captain’s door and Sean stared at Natalie quizzically. Natalie stared right back.

“Natalie, that’s Sean Avery. Can you say hi to him?” I asked. She just kept staring at him, but said nothing.

“Sean Avery? Unca Matt said he wanted to kick your ass!” Nico yelled and looked over his dads shoulder. Marc tensed up and I bit my lip from laughing. Natalie sat down on the floor and started laughing, agreeing with her older brother.

“Nico! Don’t say that word!” I yelled. He whispered a sorry. Sean just laughed and looked at Marc.

“Cute kids man.” He said and shut his door slowly, not a fan of young kids. Ryan waved us over and Natalie walked in on her own. When we stepped in the large pent house, we were immediately greeted with the smells of cookies baking in the oven.

“Kara it smells amazing in here!” Marc called out. A small woman with short brown hair came from behind the wall and smiled.

“Thanks Staal.” She said and looked at the kids in shock. “Holy cow he wasn’t kidding.” She whispered and put her hand over her mouth. I looked at the woman and sort of recognized her. When me and Marc dated, I came to New York a handful of times. School was too hard to miss in Vancouver. She looked at me and immediately smiled.

“Babe, this is Macy, Natalie and Nico. You might remember Macy from when her and Marc dated.” Ryan said and I smiled. Now it all clicked. I sat at the games with her and the rest of the girlfriends at the time.

“Macy! I didn’t even recognize you.” Kara said and shuffled over to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back and she said hi to the twins. “Come in the kitchen, we need to catch up.” She said and pulled me forward.

“I got the kids!” Marc said with a smirk and picked Natalie up. I glared at him as I rounded to wall into the kitchen. Soon, sounds of the Wii and trash talk of Marc and Ryan filled the room. The twins cheered on separate guys and in the end Marc won for Natalie. The kids warmed up to Marc quickly and started calling him dad. Jordan described him enough during bed time stories that they didn’t even need to meet Marc to know how he was. Over dinner, it was like we were a family having food at a friends house and I was slowly getting into how it would be if I never left. I looked around the table and saw the other path I didn’t take and regretted all of my decisions. Nat sat on Marc’s lap as he cut her chicken and Nico sat next to him, playing on his Iphone. It looked like a family. But we were anything but.
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sorry it took sooo long! i have alot of inspiration but no time to write! chapters will come out as soon as i type them! comment please i love your feedback!!