Status: For Kati.

Delightfully Adorable

I've been waiting to tell you;

“If there ever was a time when I wish I wasn’t so intelligent it’d be right now.” Kati sighed, playing with the food that was on plate.

“Oh, why would you say such a thing?” Luna asked, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

“It’s obvious, Luna! George would never like a smart arse like me.” Kati pushed her plate forward and stood up from the wooden bench, looking at the blonde across from her. “Well…we best be on our way, we wouldn’t want to miss the Hogsmeade trip.”

Kati and Luna both walked together to the courtyard in the center of Hogwarts, all the students would be gathering together to depart for Hogsmeade. Both Kati and Luna handed their permission forms to Professor Flitwick and waited. It was a bit chilly out, so Kati buttoned the gray pea coat she had on, and adjusted her hat.

Kati felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around expecting to see Luna, but Luna was no longer there. Instead in her place, there stood a tall boy, with bright red hair and freckles upon his face. He had on an orange sweater, and a red and gold scarf, he smiled down at the brunette girl.

“H-hi, George.” Kati smiled, her face turning a light shade of pink.

“Hi Kati,” George smiled. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to lunch with me while we were in Hogsmeade…, maybe do something together.” Kati could see that the boys’ neck was starting to turn red.

“Of course,” Kati smiled, and turned her head to look for Luna, when she noticed that everyone was starting to walk away. “We should probably go…” Kati said, point her index finger in the direction of kids walking away.

“We probably should.” George laughed nervously, and he and Kati fell into step, following the rest of the group towards Hogsmeade; the one place the students were allowed to roam free outside the walls of Hogwarts.

Kati looked at George once or twice during the walk; she could have sworn that he was looking at her once. Kati had a crush on George, and she had one for a long time, she was just too smart to say anything to him; she may have brains but everything else was hard for her, she had no idea what to say. To see the least, Kati was a nervous wreck.

George noticed Kati looking at him once or twice, and he wasn’t going to lie, he had looked at her more than once too. George had this crush on Kati; he had for a long time, ever since the first time he spoke with her. Sure he was a Gryffindor, he was supposed to be brave, and he was…, just not around girls; he had nothing to say to him. To say to least, George was a nervous wreck.

“So…how have you been…?” George asked, breaking the silence.

“I’ve been good.” Kati responded quickly.

Kati smiled nervously, she stopped walking. George turned around and looked at her, his neck again growing red.

“Can I tell you something?” The both of them asked simultaneously.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

“Of course.” Kati smiled.

“I like you.” George and Kati both spit out those three words at the same time. The both of them looked up at her each, both their faces a light shade of red.

George smiled, before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

“I’ve like you for awhile now…, I’ve just never had to guts to tell you.” George admitted.

“I’ve liked you for awhile now too…, I’ve just never had to words to tell you.” Kati smiled up at George.

“I’m glad you finally did.” Both George and Kati replied, smiling at each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the one-shot I wrote for Kati.
I hope you all enjoy this.