This World Around Me

Pics and Mixes

“I’m bored.” I sighed as I lay on the couch staring up at the blank ceiling of the bus.

“You miss Nikki right?” Craig asked not turning from the TV where he was playing some video game that I hadn’t bothered to notice what it was.

“Yes but she doesn‘t get back until late tonight.” I replied.

We had a couple of days off and everyone had flown off to do something else or were wandering around town.

“Why didn’t you go with everyone else to the mall?” Craig asked.

“Because. When we go to the mall everyone gets mobbed and I’m shoved to the side. I don’t wanna walk around by myself like some sort of loser.” I sighed.

Craig nodded, “Why don’t you go see what the Asking guys are doing? Didn’t Ben, James and Danny stay behind to work on some shit?”

“Yeah I guess. Thanks for the idea Craigifer.” I said and rolled off of the couch onto my hands and knees before standing up.

Asking Alexandria had two busses. One they slept in and one they had just for recording. Currently they were in the blue/green recording one so I headed for that one.

I knocked on the door and a few moments later the door swung open to reveal Danny.

“Hey!” he smiled when he saw it was me.

“Hey! I was bored and thought I would come and see what you guys were up to. You’re not like too busy are you?” I asked.

“Not really. I’m just fucking around with shit. C’mon in.” he said and headed inside, motioning for me to follow.

“Where are James and Ben?” I asked noticing the lack of swears emanating from the back.

“Oh they decided to take a break. They’ll be back in awhile which means we’re alone.” he smiled and winked, moving closer to me so I was pinned against the counter.

“Nope.” I laughed and slid out of the way.

“C’mon! Why not?” he whined.

“Because. I told you it’s over.” I replied.

Two weeks earlier, after realizing that there were only a small handful of dates left before we would all go our separate ways, I had told Danny that there would be no more random hookups between the two of us. I knew that I was getting attached and it had to end. There was no way that anything would work out past tour.

“Are you sure you want to attempt to resist all this sex appeal?” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, “I will try. Now what were you working on?”

He smiled and motioned for me to follow him. While the first part of the bus looked like any other tour bus but when we past the doors to the bunk room I saw that the bus had been gutted. Where the empty space where the bunks had been were now filled with instruments and along one wall was a table where a laptop sat with different types of what I guessed was recording equipment around it. In the back corner a sound booth had been built with James’s drum kit next to it.

“Alright I’m going to play you something…it’s kinda rough but it’s a start.” he said as we sat down at the table.

I watched as Danny clicked on a few things and a few moments later the music started. The song was great. It was rough but I knew that once it was cleaned up a little that it would be perfect.

“I love it.” I grinned as the song trailed off.

“It’s not done yet but it will get better. We’re actually thinking of adding a female bit to it just to give it some depth.” he replied.

“That would fit in great. Who are you guys going to get?” I asked.

“Well I was thinking that I would ask if you wanted to try.” he smiled.

“Me? Sing? While you record it to put on a track that might get put onto the record? No.” I replied shaking my head.

“C’mon! Why not?” Danny asked.

“Because I can’t sing to save my life!” I replied.

“You sound fine. I’ve heard you and I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you could do it.” he said.

I looked at him for a moment and the for once I could tell he wasn’t joking. After a few beats I sighed and nodded.

“Fuck yeah! Let’s get you set up.” he grinned and got up.

Danny walked me over to the booth and got me set up with headphones and gave me a sheet with lyrics written out on it. I had heard the song so I knew the tune.

“Alright when I signal you sing that.” he replied.

“Okay.” I smiled.

He shut the door and sat down a few moments later he gave me the thumbs up and I started singing.

I was lost in the dark
Then I found my spark
Your eyes are the light
That makes me want to fight

Don’t need the drugs
Don’t need the booze
You’re the only thing I’m scared to lose

I’m sorry I was so fucked in the head
That I couldn’t see
How much you were to me!

Don’t leave me please
I’m on my knees
I just want you to stay
I’m begging you darling don’t go away!

I did three takes before Danny was satisfied.

“So was it awful?” I asked.

“You want to hear?” he asked.

I sighed, “I guess.”

He hit a button and the chorus started. My voice served as a type of echo for Danny’s and it made it sound amazing. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Holy shit! It’s great!”

“I told you! Now do I get a prize for being right?” he asked.

“Prize?” I asked.

“Yes. What are you going to give me for being right?” he asked smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

I sighed as I caught onto what he was getting at.

“Fine. You get a kiss. ONE kiss and that’s it.” I said looking at him sternly.

“Deal.” he said.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his however a moment later Danny grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. His hands tangled in my hair and he kissed me harder.

Putting my hands on his chest I pushed back, breaking the kiss.

“One kiss Mr. Worsnop.” I said and tried to get up but he held me in place, his lips running along my neck.

“But…you know you’re loving this.” he replied.

As much as I wanted to deny that his kisses were sending shivers throughout my body I couldn’t. My head was spinning and I was having trouble forming coherent sentences. I hated the fact that he had that affect on me.

“I fucking hate you. You’re such a cocky son of a bitch.” I groaned as he nipped at the flesh of my collarbone.

“No…you love me. That’s the problem.” he said and before I could think he grabbed hold of the hem of my tank top and pulled it over my head.

“Fine…this is the last time though…no more after this.” I replied.

“Deal.” he smiled.

I turned my head and connected my lips to his as one of his hands moved to the desk. Danny’s hands undid my jeans and I stood and let them slide from my hips. Before I could straddle Danny’s lap again though he had stood up and swept me into his arms.

He carried me to the front of the bus and locked the door before returning. He smiled down at me before pulling off his shirt and moving so he was over me.

The rest of our clothes were tossed aside and Danny pulled a blanket over the both of us before moving between my legs. The both of us lost ourselves and soon we both were done, laying side by side on the couch. Not long after we both dozed off.

I woke up a short time later and saw Danny lying next to me asleep. He looked so peaceful and I couldn’t help but smile. If I had my way we would lay like this here forever. I felt safe in his arms. To some people Danny may seem like he was a dick but I knew that he could be caring and sweet under all of that ego.

A moment later I felt a sharp pressure on my bladder and I knew I had to pee. I wrapped the blanket around me and walked towards the bathroom. I quickly did my business and walked back out.

As I did so I saw Danny had left the door open to the studio. I couldn't resist the urge to hear the song again. One because I was in it and two because I was a major Asking Alexandria fan. What fan would turn down another chance to hear a song that possibly only 3 of the band members had heard before?

I sat on the chair and pushed play. I listened to it twice before deciding to tweak a little bit here and there to see what it would sound like. However I kept a mental note so I could return it to it’s original state and not have Danny pissed at me for fucking up a new track.

I had just poked and prodded a few things when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

Spinning around I saw Danny standing in front of his boxers.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Oh uh…I can fix it.” I replied.

“What did you do?” he asked his voice rising in panic.

“I just tweeked a few things…I know how to fix it though…don’t worry.” I said holding my hands up.

Danny shook his head and hit play, “Lets see how bad it is.” he sighed sinking into the other chair.

The song began to play and Danny’s face remained blank as he listened. When the song ended he looked at me.

“Okay tell me how much I fucked it up.” I sighed.

“I can’t…that’s fucking amazing.” he replied his face full of disbelief.

“It is?” I asked.

“Yeah. Were you just fucking around with shit or did you know what you were doing?” he asked.

“A little bit of both. My mom’s ex boyfriend used to produce local bands and stuff and he taught me a few things. He was a simi-father figure when I was a kid. They were together for like 6 years and then broke up because Mom didn’t want to marry him.” I replied.

“Wow. Well whatever he taught you I’m glad. This is amazing Sarah. I’ve got to show this to Ben and James when they get back and get their opinions but I’m sure as hell that they’ll love it.” he grinned and kissed me.

It took all of my strength to pull away from him.

“Are you sure you want that to be the last time?” Danny asked.

I laughed, “Yes. This can’t work Danny. We both know it.” I replied.

“Fine but can I ask one last favor?” he asked.

I looked at him warily, “Ask it and I’ll tell you if it’s feasible. If not I’ll knock you upside the head.”

“Can I take a couple of pictures? You’re so fucking beautiful right now and I want to remember you like this.” he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

“It’s not like I’m dying Danny…you’ll see me again.” I replied.

“Yeah but not like this.” he said and I thought that maybe I heard a bit of sadness in his voice.

“Only if you promise me that you’ll never EVER show anyone.” I said glaring at him.

“I swear I won’t.” he replied.

“Then fine.” I smirked.

He grinned and stood up, grabbing his camera bag. Carefully he selected a lens and put it onto the camera before walking over to the couch.

“Strike a sexy pose!” He grinned.

I did as he said and he snapped a photo. I struck a few more poses both with and without the blanket over me. Once he was done he pulled the memory card out and tucked it into a concealed pocket in the case.

The moment he had his camera put away there was a knock on the door.

“DANNY ARE YOU STILL FUCKING THERE?!?” Ben’s voice called from outside.

“Fuck…I forgot about them.” he laughed.

“Well tell them something!” I laughed back.

“I’M HERE! HOLD ON!” he yelled back.

I jumped up and the two of us threw our clothes on as quick as we could. Once we were dressed Danny unlocked the door and Ben and James appeared.

“Jesus christ! We leave you alone and now you have the whole bus smelling like fucking sex. I thought this was going to be the one bus that didn’t smell like ass.” James said wrinkling his nose.

“Not my fault. She seduced me.” Danny said pointing to me.

“Yeah because we believe that one mate.” Ben said clapping Danny on the shoulder.

“So did you actually get anything else done besides Sarah?” James asked with a smirk towards me.

I flipped him off and he laughed before walking over and hugging me, “You know I’m just playing.”

“I know.” I smirked and hugged him back.

“For your information I did. Sarah recorded the bit that we wanted a girl to do and actually mixed some of the song. It sounds fuckin’ brilliant. C’mon you have to listen to this.” Danny said and we walked to the back.

James and Ben crowded around the laptop and I hung towards the back as Danny played the song. They listened to it with blank faces just as Danny had and only after it ended did they turn to look at me.

“That is great Sarah. Like exceptional. Have you ever done this before?” Ben asked.

I shook my head, “With a little help from my mom’s Ex but other than that no.”

“Fucking hell. How would you like to help us mix some more of this album? If you can do this with all the shit on the album this could be ten times better than we'd thought it'd be.” James asked.

“Really?” I asked.

“Totally. It’s amazing and we’d love to have a fan’s perspective on some of this.” Ben added.

“So what do you say Sarah?” Danny asked.

I thought over it for a moment before smiling, “Of course I’ll help…it would be amazing to get to work with you guys.”

“Great! So let’s get started with-” but before Danny could finish I interrupted him.

“It’s ten till eleven and Nikki gets in at eleven fifteen. Ben and I have got to pick her up.” I said.

“Fuck! That’s right! We’d better get moving!” Ben said.

“Well we’ll keep working here while you two go get her.” Danny said.

“Okay we’ll be back soon!” I said and Ben and I headed to get my best friend.
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Sorry the ending sucks! I'm still concert lagged >.<