I'd End My Days With You In A Hail Of Bullets...

He Was Always There...

Another day full of death or disappointment (or both) I thought as I got up from my soft bed, this time without Gerard by my side but instead I see the sleeping form of Frank snoring softly in bed next to me. I rose quietly without awaking Frank; I crept out my door and down the hall to one of the many guest rooms. I slid the cream colored door open slowly and found that Gerard hadn’t left the side of Jessica since last night and she was still unconscious in bed as Gerard slept uncomfortably in the chair next to her. I took the opportunity to slip a cover over Gerard so that he wouldn’t freeze too much. Female intuition I guess. I sighed softly as I longed to feel his arms around me again but I realized when we found her that all the affection that Gee showed before was all just a distant memory now. It was good while it lasted I guess. I crept out of that room and proceeded down the stairs and into the living room where I found Ray awake and taking his shift of guard duty on the front porch, his gun at this side.
“Hey Ray.”
“Hey Kira.” He yawned, “How’d you sleep?”
“As good as possible during a zombie apocalypse.” He laughed lightly.
“Yeah I guess.”
“Where’s Mikey?”
“Oh he’s up on the roof keeping watch from up there.”
“Oh then, I’ll go make some coffee and wake up Frank so we can take over and you guys can get some sleep.”
“Thanks Kira, I’ll go get Mikey and tell him to come down now.”
I walked into the kitchen and brewed some fresh coffee and slowly I heard bodies rise and move around because of the stimulation of the smell of coffee. I knew that soon Gerard would smell it and come down for a cup and I didn’t feel like being around when he came down so I got two cups and hurried up stairs to my room. Franks had shifted in his sleep; I neared his side of the bed and wafted the sweet smelling fumes into his nostrils. He stirred slowly and one by one opened his eyes to mine, those beautiful hazel eyes…
“Morning sleepy; time to get up it’s our turn to take guard, come on we can both take guard duty on the roof so you’re not too lonely.” I said as he smiled when I mentioned that he wouldn’t be alone.

“So how are you feeling?”
“What do you mean Frankie?” he rolled his eyes and pointed to the house,
“I mean about Jessica being here. You have been avoiding her and Gerard since we found them in the city.” I shrugged and looked at the ground as if it was more interesting than our conversation.
“don’t get me wrong Frank I’m glad we found them somewhat safe and sound, I’m glad were not the only survivors out here but…I guess I kind of wish it wasn’t her that semi-survived.” I took a long drink of my coffee and sighed, “Things were going so great between Gerard and I, and you know how much I like him right?”
“yeah I know, and I also know how much he likes you back that’s why it makes me so sad that you two aren’t together yet.”
“Thanks Frank. But Jessica’s back and now that won’t happen….. He loves her. I’m nothing compared to her…” I sighed sadly and got up to scope the surrounding parameter with my sniper’s scope on my rifle, trying to avoid more of that conversation. In my scope I saw the infected mindlessly wandering around outside the gates and tall brick walls that surrounded our safe-haven.
“Hey Gee.” Gerard came up and hugged me while I was at my locker before lunchtime.
“Hey Sugar.”He hugged me tight and sighed into my shoulder. I always swooned when he did this; “you comin to lunch?” my fantasy broke when I heard a shrill voice call out from behind me.
“Gee-Gee!” Gerard immediately let go of me and was nearly tackled by his annoying girlfriend Jessica. The usual preppy girl (blonde hair, skimpy clothes, but unfortunately exceptionally smart and geeky in some ways.) They kissed and as they broke off they started to walk away.
“What about lunch Gee?” I called out before he got further away.
“Maybe next time.” I swear I could see his precious Jessica turn around and sneer at me unbeknownst to Gerard.
“Hey Kira… you okay?” Frankie came up to me as I snapped back from my glare off with Jessica.
“Oh Hey Frankie, yeah I’m fine.”
“Alright then, shall we?” I smiled as Frank stuck out his arm for me to loop my arm around his and skip off to our spot in the lunchroom.
*end of flashback*
As I stood there staring into the distance, I remembered all the times Frank had been there to pick me up and cheer me up whenever Gerard was whisked away by Jessica. How many times Frank was there to make me forget the bad and act silly to make me laugh…
“You were always there…”
“What?” I shook the thoughts away… For now.
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posting the next one up now :D -Disaster Darling :X