I'd End My Days With You In A Hail Of Bullets...

The Escape Part One

Frank has always been a comfort for me; I hadn’t noticed it till now. Gerard had always been too infatuated with Jessica (his dream girl) to even notice me sometimes. Frank had always noticed me.

“How did you guys manage to stay away from the diseased?” Mikey asked as we sat around the coffee table in the living room. The little blond girl managed to answer for the group; she had to have been only four years old.
“Uncle Davy and Daddy protected us.” So Trent is her father?
“We barricaded ourselves in the store back storage. We figured it was our best option because of the food and water.” David added
“Good thinking.” Ray complemented. “We were stuck on our school’s roof for the first day and night. Luckily our roof was used as a gym so we had access to water and facilities.”
“How did you all escape from the school?” The teenage brunette spoke up for the first time.
“We have to get off this roof, and soon, we can’t stay up here forever.” Ray stated after only a couple of hours on the roof, the sun was getting ready to set.
“We stay and die later, or we leave and die sooner. Either or is probably right.” Mikey also stated, his head leaning back against the concrete wall.
“Jeezus Mikey can you be any more negative?” Frank spoke up.
“What. It’s the fucking truth.” Mikey lashed back and Frank rolled his eyes running a hand through his short black and blond hair. (three cheers for sweet revenge era style hair)
“Alright calm down guys, No one is going to die today, not if I can help it.” Gerard stared at Mikey making sure he got the message.
“We can’t do this by ourselves guys; we don’t stand a chance without some sort of weapon or something.” I added
“Right, so let’s check the storage closets to see what we have to defend ourselves with.” Gerard led the way to the storage room which was unlocked to our luck.
“Okay so we have bats, tennis rackets, balls, some metal poles, and… hey…” I was glad for once that our school mandated that we learn archery for some reason. I picked up a bow and arrow to examine. The arrow was blunt but with a little help from the pocket knife Frank always carried I could make the arrows deadly.
“Cool.” Gerard knew what I was thinking, “alright everyone grab a metal pole, a bat, a bow and all the arrows you can.” We began to fashion our weapons to our likings and made sure we could handle them to kill.
As we sat outside in the dimming light I heard footsteps running below us, I turned to look and saw two girls from my homeroom class. Brittney and Tanya, they were always together; ‘best friends to the end’ they always said. They stopped running for a second on the edge of a huge flight of stairs leading to the courtyard.
“No matter what happens Brittney, we’ll never leave each other; Promise?” They held each others’ hands tightly as they nodded in mutual agreement. They continued to run, this time trying to keep themselves from falling while running down the stairs from some of the infected that chased them. I got up to try and do something to help but I saw that halfway down the stairs Brittney lost her footing and tripped sending them both tumbling hand in hand down the rest of the flight of stairs. Tanya, I could see, had seriously hurt her leg and was struggling to get up while Brittney on the other hand was up and ready to run in a second. Gnashing teeth just feet behind them; Tanya grabs hold of her friend and begs for help.
“Brittney! Please help me! Help me! They’re coming!” Brittney looks down at her friend in horror and disgust,
“No! Let me go bitch!” Brittney yanked away her arm from her supposed friend as the infected got closer and ran as fast as she could away from the zombies and her ex best friend. I saw that she turned back to see that her friend was screaming at the top of her lungs as the monsters tore into her flesh. Brittney was distracted long enough by glancing back at her supposed friend Tanya, that when she turned a corner she ran straight into a herd of zombies, who wasted no time in making a meal out of her. Fucking Hypocrite, guess what… Karma’s a bitch. I couldn’t help but grin at the fate Brittney received; had Brittney helped Tanya then they would probably still be alive for a little while longer. Only Frank seemed to have noticed what event had occurred, the rest of the guys were too busy trying to busy themselves with other things then what was happening around them.
As the sun began to set we migrated to the storage shed and locked ourselves inside for the night, but little did we know that we wouldn’t get any sleep that night. Our friends, our classmates, and teachers were being killed and eaten all around us; all we could do was listen. I was about to kill myself from it being too much, too overwhelming. A single ray of sunshine melted away the craziness that brewed inside my head overnight from lack of sleep and too much to listen to. A single ray of sunshine signaled a new day, a little sense of hope into our lives.
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part one of two, more to come soon, thanks all! -Disaster Darling :X