Keys on a Keyboard


I stare at the keys as if they have the answer that I'm looking for.
They don't.
They're just keys.
They're just silly little keys that make the most disturbing racket when your fingers lands on them.
They're even louder if your fingers have long nails.
But I stare at the keys and I wonder what I'm missing.
If it is just as simple as putting one word after another until the story is complete, then why isn't it complete yet?
What am I missing here?
Is it my hatred for those keys that go clack! clack! clack! with each touch of my fingers?
Is it the fact that no matter how much I stare at the keys, I never can make any words flow from my fingers out onto the keyboard?
Or is it because I just simply stare at the keys and I'm too afraid to take the approach that I want to?
Even if the keys are there to guide me safely through, the backspace is always there, right where I need it if I don't like the piece, and I have everything to make the perfect edits right at my fingertips.
So now... why is it so hard to just start typing and keep typing and keep on typing some more until the story is finished?
It still remains a mystery to me.