Everything We Had

Fries in a Pan

Its been four days and i haven't seen Gabriel at all. Remember that dream that i had in which he kills me? Well i have been having it every night. I'm not sure what it means, I'm not too sure that i want to know.

Well besides all that depressing stuff there is an actually non depressing matter at hand: summer is HERE!
Oh, thank the lord! Finlay no more work, no more getting up every morning at 5:30 in the morning, and not having to do anymore of the torture they call "PE". Instead now i have a different kind of torture, it goes by the name of the sun. Stupid global worming is making this freaking place a pan, and we are the fries its cocking. Yesterday it was actually 101 degrees out there i thought i was going to die from a heat stroke. What all this means is that since its so hot out side i finally have a good enough reason (no matter how pathetic) to go to Gabe's house, he is as cold as the north pole (maybe colder).

For this reason I'm getting out of a chilly bath and getting ready to go over to his house. I'm wearing a red and black plaid skirt, a white wife better, and black flip flops. The hard part was getting there since my car has decided that its going to be like its owner and have a break down when ever its too hot outside, ill be lucky if i make the ride to his house.

Thankfully today it wasnt all too hot and the car actually started. The way over there was somewhat rough but I'm proud to say the we both made it in one peace. Step two is to get out of the car and knock on the door. Which was just done.

After waiting out side for a few seconds Gabriel finally made it to the door.
"Hi..." he just stood there staring for a moment as if not comprehending what i just said.
"um, hi" was his response.
"yeah..." OK now this could not get any more uncomftorable.
"oh, um, why don't you come in" finally being able to say something that would actually make sense.
"actually i wanted to know if you wold want to go out" i gave him a little smile while saying this.
"yeah, sure, let me just put on a shirt."
Did i forget to mention that he was shirtless.............well he was and if it weren't because i was too busy trying to talk correctly i might have drooled. I mean it's like its not possible for this guy to answer the door without not wearing a shirt, not that i mind.

A few seconds later he was back and locking the door.
"So what did you have in mind?" he asked as we were getting into the car.
"I haven't thought of that yet," I apologetically smiled.
"and would you please put on the damn seat belt if not for your life at least do it for me because i definitely can not afford a ticket."
Now it was his tern to apologize, "sorry".

I started my car and then thought against it, "you know what i think it would be a really smart idea for us to take your car this time."
"yeah, i think that would be the smart thing as well." he responds.
"You know, its beyond me why you have this old car, even if it douse look pretty cool, when you could buy any other car that 'actually' works".
"Hey! Don't you start! You know we have history together." he rolled his eyes yeah what ever you say.
We got into his car and fasten our seat belts.
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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sorry i havent posted in the longest time. I know i always say that but its true, now that summer is almost here ill really try to post more. Well thanks to who ever is reading this.

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