Everything We Had

Humans Lived

Through a good part of the picnic was spent me and Gabriel being the complete idiots we are. Me eating his incredible and surprisingly good tasting food. He making faces and saying “you haven’t the slightest idea how disgusting that thing smells”, and me saying “good, its not like i want to” shortly after striking out my tongue.
Still his past was a curiosity to me and now just looking out to the lake and his eyes I still wonder.
“Hmm.” he looked back at me after staring out at the scenery.
“What where you like, you know back when you where human.”
He looked deeply into my eyes and after a short while answered me.
“Sorry love, but I don’t remember a whole lot of my human years.”
I’m guessing i looked somewhat disappointed because he dint let it go at that.
“Well I guess ill give you a little incite anyways.” he smiled. It wasn’t my smile though it dint reach his eyes.
“Alright well I was wealthy, extremely wealthy. I lived in the most beautiful mansion I have ever seen and the brightest. I had a father who I know I dint care for much. My mother on the other hand, I loved with all my heart. She was a kind, beautiful, smart woman. I sometimes hear people now talk to their mothers. Sometimes I‘m not satisfied. I know how much I long to have bean able to live along side of her. The first few years of being a vampire, although hard, I would silently visit her. I‘d see her cry and I knew it was me who she was crying for. I made an angel cry.”
He took a break and wrapped me in his arms. I know that if he could have he would have cried.
“When I was 17 I found out I had an arranged marriage to a wealthy young lady, she was to be 14 in a few short days. Back then I dint think of it too much. You see I was very obedient and never went against my father. I dint even go against him when he prohibited by advance in the culinary arts and made me go into law studies. I never got married though, I never even met who I was to marry. When I turned 18 I died, three days later I was reborn.”
We dint move or speak for a while.
He was there and yet not really. Looking out at the sky and remembering what he could.
I was in his arms asking “what if?”. What if he would have never died? What if he would have gotten married, followed all his fathers wishes, staid with the love of his mother? Would he have bean happier?
What about me? Would I be the way I am without him?
These where questions which I would never know the answer to. Maybe that was what was best for both of us.