Everything We Had


“Just call me when you get there, ok?”
He kissed my forehead slowly and gently.
“I promise.”
“I love you” he said.
“I love you.”
The announcement for his flight came on. He looked down at me, smiled and turned around. Somehow this dint fell right. I know he lied to me when he told me it was all fine. Everything far from fine I could see it in his eyes.
“Gabriel!” he turned around and in the most human way he could master he ran to me as fast as he could. He picked me up and held me up with my legs around his waist. I looked into his eyes and kissed him.
Without realizing it a tear slipped, after that one another came and then another.
“Please, be careful.” I held his face with my hands, “please dont do anything stupid.”
“I promise.” his whisper carried its way all around my head. His hug was electrifying.
In a matter of seconds I was back on my feet and he was kissing my hand.
“Buona notte bella.”